Hi all,


How do I go about adding a custom fo.xsl in version 0.7? If I want a
particular PDF to have a different look-and-feel to the other files in
my site, how do I specify that this file should use a different fo.xsl
to the other files?


Having created the new fo.xsl, I have tried adding variants of the
following to my project sitemap.xmap:






      <map:serializer name="fo2pdf"
mime-type="application/pdf" />




<map:match pattern="**aNewFile.xml">

      <map:generate src="{project:content.xdocs}{1} aNewFile.pdf" />

      <map:transform src="{project:resources}/myNewFile2fo.xsl" />

      <map:serialize type="fo2pdf" />




... all to no avail, as I get a java.lang.NullPointerException when I
execute the 'forrest' command.


Could someone point me in the right direction, please?


Many thanks,

