On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 16:44 +0000, Steve Odlind wrote:
> Hi Thorsten,
> The PDF of this file is generated correctly when I place the new fo.xsl
> file in 
> {properties:skins-dir}{forrest:forrest.skin}/xslt/fo/document2fo.xsl, so
> I know there is nothing wrong with it. When I place this file in
> {project:resources.stylesheets}/myNewFile2fo.xsl, and add the following
> to sitemap.xmap I get a "BROKEN: org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: No
> flow in page-sequence" error (see attached error.log):

Makes me think, looking at the common one I find
  <xsl:include href="pdfoutline.xsl"/>
  <xsl:include href="footerinfo.xsl"/>
did you still have this include and it get resolved correctly?

The error is not saying much. I need to see the fo and the xsl to better
analyze the problem. 

> <map:match pattern="**aNewFile.pdf">
>   <map:generate src="{project:content.xdocs}{1}aNewFile.xml" />
>   <map:transform src="{project:resources.stylesheets}/myNewFile2fo.xsl"
> />
>   <map:serialize type="fo2pdf" />
> </map:match>
> Looking at the .fo file, it seems that tables are not being assembled
> correctly:

Hmm, you are on 0.7, right?

Have a look at

The two last commits may fix the problem. It happens if you use colspans
in your source documents but it is weird that if placed in 
it works fine. So it might not to be your problem.

> <fo:block background-color="#ffffff">
>       <fo:table-row border-color="#ffffff" border-width="1mm"
> border-style="solid">
>       <fo:table-cell border-color="#ffffff" border-width="0.5pt"
> border-style="solid" text-align="center" background-color="#0071b9"
> font-weight="bold" color="#FFFFFF" margin-end="4pt" padding-after="3pt"
> padding-before="5pt" padding-end="2pt">
> <fo:block font-size="8pt" text-align="end">Version:</fo:block>
> </fo:table-cell>
> ...
> For some reason, the <fo:table> and <fo:table-body> elements are being
> omitted. Is this why the "No flow in page-sequence" error is generated?

Yeah that definitely would lead to such an error.

Look in your <xsl:template match="table">, but my first guess is that
the includes are not resolved.

> Thanks for your continued help,

your welcome, just keep on asking.


> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thorsten Scherler
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 16 January 2007 08:11
> To: user@forrest.apache.org
> Subject: RE: How do I add a custom fo.xsl
> On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 18:31 +0000, Steve Odlind wrote: 
> > Hi Thorsten,
> > 
> > If I understand your suggestion correctly, ALL files in my site will
> use
> > the fo.xsl in the
> > {properties:skins-dir}{forrest:forrest.skin}/xslt/fo/{1}-to-fo.xsl
> > directory. Is that correct? 
> Yes.
> > If so, that's not quite what I wanted. I
> > would like just a few specified files to use the new fo.xsl.
> > 
> Ok, I understand. Thanks for clarification.
> > >> Hmm, not sure there is a space! {1} aNewFile.pdf That could cause
> the
> > >>error.
> > 
> > The space was a typo in the email, and not present in the source file.
> > Sorry for the confusion.
> No worries, just thought to point it out. 
> > 
> > >> We would need some more information (stack trace) to see where the
> > NPE
> > >>is coming from.
> > 
> > Please find the stack trace attached.
> FATAL_E (2007-01-15) 18:12.18:658   [core.xslt-processor] (Unknown-URI)
> Unknown-thread/TraxErrorHandler: Error in TraxTransformer:
> file:/C:/docs/documentation/src/documentation/skins/pelt/xslt/fo/documen
> t2fo.xsl; Line 50; Column 59; 
> ; SystemID:
> file:/C:/docs/documentation/src/documentation/skins/pelt/xslt/fo/documen
> t2fo.xsl; Line#: 50; Column#: 59
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.lang.NullPointerException
> As I understand it the file
> file:/C:/docs/documentation/src/documentation/skins/pelt/xslt/fo/documen
> t2fo.xsl is throwing an exception at Line#: 50; Column#: 59. Makes me
> wonder what that might be.
> I looked at your original mail again:
> On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 15:45 +0000, Steve Odlind wrote:
> > <map:match pattern="**aNewFile.xml">
> >       <map:generate src="{project:content.xdocs}{1} aNewFile.pdf" />
> >       <map:transform src="{project:resources}/myNewFile2fo.xsl" />
> >       <map:serialize type="fo2pdf" />
> >   </map:match>
> The generator url is not valid (if you go with file naming conventions).
> You are trying to generate SAX events from a binary file
> ({project:content.xdocs}{1}aNewFile.pdf). 
> I think you want {project:content.xdocs}{1}aNewFile.xml and then e.g.
> request http://localhost:8888/index-aNewFile.pdf. This would then
> trigger your custom match with the file
> {project:content.xdocs}index-aNewFile.xml. 
> Then you need to change it to something like:
> <map:match pattern="**aNewFile.pdf">
>   <map:generate src="{project:content.xdocs}{1}aNewFile.xml" />
>   <map:transform src="{project:resources}/myNewFile2fo.xsl" />
>   <map:serialize type="fo2pdf" />
> </map:match>
> That should work fine. Please try and report back.
> salu2