Many thanks.  

It seems that defining the two new directories of (source and
destination) and issuing the copy command, all within the file failed to achieve what was intended, the
CONOPS_files directory was not created, let alone its associated files.

The following is added to the end of the file in my
new project directory
# fix the bug of failure to copy CONOPS_Files directory
# define
## note, the above source directory and associated file DOES EXIST

# create the directory under a new site
 <mkdir dir="${}/process/modeling/CONOPS_files"/>
## note, the above command may be optional?
 # define
<property name=""
## I'd like to try different ways to achieve the same thing, the above 
## method to define a property is also acceptable, correct?

<copy failonerror="false" dir="${}"

Before I separate the definitions/property settings from target command
I'd like to check with you first, the process runs for 45 minutes, I
would hope next try would get what I want.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thorsten Scherler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Exception to "forrest clean"

On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 10:23 -0500, Li, Don wrote:
> Thanks for the response.  Please see below.  Also, I have not
> subscribed to the list yet, so, doing copy and paste for now, the
> indent may not be obvious, sorry about that.

hmm, I am moderator and need you to ask to subscribe since I may miss to
moderate your mail and it will end up in the trash. Sad.

It is hard to see what is from which author if you copy. Will try, but
no guaranty I will find all your comments.

> ...

> ----------
> How about this?
> Add the copy command to the last action of "building a new site" hence
least impact on the current process?

Yeah why not.

> Question, forrest's projecthelp option indicates that doing
> forrest
> Or
> forrest site
> produces the same result,

yes, since default ant target is site.

>  that is, to build a new site.
> however, in the forrest.xml file, I don't see any specification about
"site" (action),

forrest/trunk/main/targets$ grep site * -R
site.xml:   <target name="site"

It is an imported target. However which forrest.xml are you talking

>  I see action(target) like "clean", "clean-site", "run" etc.  Does
that mean everything else is for building a (new) site (for "site"

No. Some are for building plugins, ...

> And before I do
>   <copy failonerror="false" dir="${}"
> todir="${}"/>
> I would need to define both and  Would it suffice if I define them in this
same file before running this command?

You can do this or define it in an ant properties file like

In a current customer project I import all forrest targets in a custom
ant project and calling the site target with different entries points.


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)