Thanks for the new idea, Steven, it seems that cocoon's xReporter
suggested by Bertrand Delacretaz would do what I need, I'll give this a
shot first.


"An xReporter report is not static: the user can be asked for a number
of parameters, and can tweak the output using filtering and sorting..."


Sorry for the OT but feel necessary.


Don Li



From: Steven Pierce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: OT: plugin for web access to a relational database




Have you looked at Ruby on Rails.  It is a Java based enviroment, but
you do not 

need to know Java to use it. (My understanding of it).  It is a quick
and dirty way

to get things running.  I am looking at it for a site that I would like
to get up.




On 1/24/07, Li, Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Thanks for the note, Steven.  The following URL,,

seems interesting in the sense that it sort of supports what I'd like to
do, however, a couple of things stand in the way. 

*         Derby is unnecessary for my case, guess, I can bypass it

*         From the code sample, it seems that one has to write his own
JSP code, also, the sample does not seem to use MVC framework like FORM
interface and process are all bundled into one page ...  Then what's the
point of plug-in? 

*         And don't know if configuring the Web Tools Platform is going
to be pain in the b??? 


Am wondering if this is a good option for an interim solution (boss
wants something quick and dirty for now) 


On the up side, my dev box already has TomCat and JRE installed




Don Li



From: Steven Pierce [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:06 PM 
Subject: Re: OT: plugin for web access to a relational database




I have heard nothing but good about Eclipse. I was at the ApacheCon this

and it was one of the topics covered.  




On 1/24/07, Li, Don < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: 


This is sort of OT (off topic).  However, bear with me as an open source
newbie.  Here's what I want to do: finding an open source package that 
would allow me to provide a Web-based interface to run some canned
reports and support dynamic queries off a SQL Server 2000 -based
database without writing my own JSP pages or at least making code
writing minimal. 

Did a quick googling for it, it seems that Eclipse Web Tools Platform
(WTP) is an option.  Before I dive into it, I'd like to see if someone
here has done something similar, thoughts/comments?
