
Ok, I solved it by adding an own DTD for my project, which was a bit hard since there are several informations in the forrest docs which are hard to follow if you dont decide to read the whole docs. In addition I managed the XInclude-stuff this way I was looking long for but hesitated to try it for the same reasons above. I took several informations from the location you gave and the mailing-list where I wonder in the end how this ever could have worked for anyone else (see since I had to change some small issues...

To the other point:
Why should Forrest not intended to be a web publishing framework???
While it generates the framework we (I) need for a technical documentation it could be still open for some layout I think.
Of course it should not compare to sites written by some CSS-guru but
it creates html and therefore it can create html that can use CSS together with all sort of additions this gives us, e.g. layout for printouts or for users with a handicap and so on.

Kind regards and thanks for a very good work


Ross Gardler schrieb:
EMMEL Thomas wrote:

I wonder whether there is an easy way to add an own element to the dtd like <span> or <div>? I wrote the main part in html that is converted on the fly to xml and back to html. However, I use some special css-tricks to add layout to the output like 'element:hover'-tips etc. by using <span class=...>. The problem is that this doesnt work in the xml-parts I use more and more.
Running 'forrest run' the output is as expected since there is no
xml-checking done.

Forrest is not intended to be a web publishing framework, as such it does not support many of the web-centric layout markup.

You can fudge things so that it will do what you want, but if you want a web publishing framework Forrest may not be the right tool for you.

Having said that. The easiest way to achieve what you want is to turn off validation for the pages you want to fudge. However, be aware that validation is there for a reason. By turning it off you run the risk of breaking some of the other output formats. You need to decide if this is a problem for you or not.

To control validation see

A better approach is to add your own DTD that supports the elements you want to use, see

Adding your own DTD with transformation to XDoc means you still validate the XML, which will prevent one set of funnies (i.e. badly formed XML), but it still leaves you open to breaking some output formats if your XSL keeps non-XDoc elements in the output.
