
I wonder whether there is an easy way to add an own element to the dtd like <span> or <div>? I wrote the main part in html that is converted on the fly to xml and back to html. However, I use some special css-tricks to add layout to the output like 'element:hover'-tips etc. by using <span class=...>.
The problem is that this doesnt work in the xml-parts I use more and more.
Running 'forrest run' the output is as expected since there is no
xml-checking done.
Running 'forrest site' fails with:

./Doc/src/content/xdocs/fe-reference/index.xml:17:46: Element type "span" must be declared. ./Doc/src/content/xdocs/fe-reference/index.xml:17:69: Element type "span" must be declared. ./Doc/src/content/xdocs/fe-reference/index.xml:20:25: Element type "span" must be declared. ./Doc/src/content/xdocs/fe-reference/index.xml:20:48: Element type "span" must be declared. ./Doc/src/content/xdocs/fe-reference/index.xml:22:28: The content of element type "p" must match "(strong|em|code|sub|sup|br|img|icon|acronym|map|a)".

/opt/apache-forrest-0.8/main/targets/validate.xml:136: ./Doc/src/content/xdocs/fe-reference/index.xml is not a valid XML document.

Any help appreciated.
