Michael Toback wrote:
> Maybe I should start from the beginning?
> We want to be able to take content from a Daisy repository and publish
> it through Forrest.
> 1. How do I set up the http request? By looking in the index.xml in the
> plugin documentation, I think it would be this:
> <map:match pattern="locationmap-project.xml">
>   <map:generate
> src="http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9263/publisher/blob?documentId=NAVIG
> ATION-DOCUMENT-ID&amp;version=live&amp;partType=1"/>
>   <map:transform
> src="{forrest:plugins}/org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.Daisy/resources/s
> tylesheets/navigation-to-locationmap.xsl">
>     <map:parameter name="publisherURL"
> value="http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9263/publisher/"/>
>     <map:parameter name="pathPrefix" value="/"/>
>   </map:transform>
>   <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> </map:match>
> Do I have to change NAVIGATION-DOCUMENT-ID to the navigation document
> number? Or is it number + namespace??
> 2. If I'm not using content other than daisy, do I need a site xml file?
> 3. Where do I run forrest from for a daisy site?? I was guessing
> <DaisyRoot>\WikiData\sites\<site_name>
> 4. Do I need to seed a daisy site? Or do I need to change some
> properties file so it knows to use the daisy plugin?

It sounds like you have not understood the basics of Forrest.
In a new directory, somewhere away from the Forrest sources,
 forrest seed-basic
This gives you a very minimal seed site with all the
configuration files.
 forrest run
Have a look around, tweak things, see the effect.

In your forrest.properties file, add "Daisy" as another
required plugin. Now you can start to build up your
Daisy-based Forrest project.

Get ideas from Forrest's Daisy Plugin website, as Ross suggested.
This is a simple Forrest project site that demonstrates the
capabilities. See its configuration files, especially the
forrest.properties* files and the locationmap.xmap files.
If you are using the current SVN trunk of Forrest (0.9-dev)
then 'cd 
You can do 'forrest run' there to see the demo in action.
You would need to change the port number for your own
Forrest project to be able to run the both at once.
Search the FAQ for "jetty.port".

Get other ideas from Apache Cocoon's use of Forrest/Daisy
for their v2.1 docs.
See escpecially the forrest.properties* files and the
src/documentation/locationmap-daisy-include.xml file.

Daisy is in the "whiteboard", so we really should be discussing
it on the Forrest "dev" mailing list.

By the way, please do not append disclaimers to your email footers.
They have no bearing in a public forum.
