I'm trying to embed existing HTML pages into a site generated by Forrest.
Starting from a "forrest seed" everything works fine out of the box if
the pages are in a sub-directory of src/documentation/content/xdocs like
samples-b/embedded_html.html is.
However I would like to move them somewhere else, for instance let's say
in src/documentation/content/embedded/embedded_html.html, changing
site.xml like this :
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
<about label="About">
<index label="Index" href="index.html" description="Welcome to
<linkmap label="Documentation ToC" href="linkmap.html"
description="Table of Contents for this example site"/>
+ <sample-html label="Embedded HTML" href="embedded/embedded_html.html"
+ description="Test of Embedded HTML"/>
<samples tab="samples">
<overview label="Overview" href="samples-a/index.html"/>
@@ -60,8 +62,6 @@
<linking label="Linking" href="linking.html" description="Linking
explained and demonstrated"/>
<sample-howto label="How To" href="howto-howto.html"
description="Test of How To documents"/>
- <sample-html label="Embedded HTML" href="embedded_html.html"
- description="Test of Embedded HTML"/>
<sample-ascii-art label="ascii-art page" href="ascii-art.html"
description="Sample Ascii Art page"/>
<svg label="Using SVG" href="svg.html" description="Using
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)"/>
I cannot seem to come up with the proper modifications to sitemap.xmap
and/or locationmap.xml to make it work.
I thought adding something like this to locationmap.xml would be enough :
<match pattern="embedded/**">
<location src="{properties:content}/{0}"/>
But the file is still being looked for in .../xdocs/... :
X [0] embedded/embedded_html.html
(The system cannot find the path specified)
Is there a solution involving only altering the locationmap ?
I also tried the "old_site" path, that is not touching locationmap.xml
but adding the following to the sitemap.xmap existing pipeline :
<map:match pattern="embedded/**.html">
<map:read src="{properties:content}{0}" mime-type="text/html"/>
This somewhat succeeds, as in "build successful", but the page is not
really embedded as it misses the skinning.
Then I tried this instead :
<map:match pattern="embedded/**.html">
<map:generate type="html" src="{properties:content}{0}"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
And got the following error :
X [0] embedded/embedded_html.html
(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
I read https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR-679 and did what is
suggested but the same error remains.
I tried copying the jtidy.properties file to src/WEB-INF and still got
the same error.
Did I miss something obvious ?
Am I completely misunderstanding how Forrest/Cocoon work ?
Thanks !