Hello Katia,

Comments follows.

On 15/04/2005 4:35 AM, Katia Aresti Gonzalez wrote:


Here is the stack trace!!!! :-) it was in the geronimo.log!!!! i didnt now anything about this logs, didnt now that the could be so helpfull!!!

Well, it seems that the openejb-ja.xmlr is correct? The problems is in another part?




Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at org.openejb.entity.cmp.CMPInstanceContextFactory.<init>(CMPInstanceContextFactory.java:127)

A guess: at least one of the getter or setter for the persistent fields is not abstract. Hence, could you please provide your CMP Bean implementation?

By the way, have you defined a value for the cmp-version element in the ejb-jar.xml file?

As an aside, let me re-iterate that there are a couple of CMP examples in the OpenEJB CVS repo there:
You will find working examples for OTO, OTM, MTM, simple and complex primary keys and bi-directional and uni-directional CMR fields.

I strongly recommend you to:
* read some general documentations on CMP. I think that this is the first step to have at least a pass for your exam :);
* have a look to theconfiguration files that I was talking about before. Please, do that after having done some prior reading on CMP;
* have a look to the corresponding CMP bean implementations there (also under the OpenEJB CVS repo): modules/openejb-builder/src/test/org/openejb/deployment/entity/cmp; and
* finally, deploy your own CMP.

Good luck.


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