I am trying to deploy a custom JAAS LoginModule that I had working
using the login-config  xml-reference in my deployment plan before I
updated to a later geronimo codebase that included the addition of the
JaasLoginService reference. I decided to try to bypass the
xml-reference route after banging my head trying to get it to work
again. When I looked at the j2ee security plan I noticed that there
are two gbeans named "properties-login" and that the second gbean
appears to be defined to replace the first one while wrapping it. Is
that what is happening? If not, what is going on here?

Also, do I need to insert a dependancy into j2ee-server-plan for the
jar that contains my custom JAAS classes? It seemed that was the only
way I could get my custom security stuff to be found. It was also a
bit of a pain to automate and manage this insertion in my build


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