Thanks Aaron and David,

I've modified o.a.g.client.builder.AppClientModuleBuilder and
o.a.g.deployment.Deployer to accept multiple ConfigurationStore
references, so now Geronimo will run with two ConfigurationStores
specified in system-plan.xml.  As you guys expected, you can pass a
Target to the deployment cli and it gets passed to
DeploymentManager.distribute() but it's lost on the server side since
the Deploy.deploy() method that gets called doesn't take a target

I'm a little fuzzy on the theory of operations on the server side -
i.e. how the data gets from the wire to Deployer.deploy().  It looks
like it uses MX4J but if one of you could sketch out how that code
gets set up I could take a look at adding the target code to Deploy


PS.  Please feel free to move this conversation over to the dev list
if that's a more appropriate place for it.

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