You might have an out of date xmlbeans plugin.  Originally it came with geronimo rather than xmlbeans and IIRC there were some similar problems when it moved.

Try removing all copies of the xmlbeans plugin (some might start with "geronimo-...") from your local maven repo, the .maven/cache, and the maven installation plugins directory.  The correct plugin should be downloadable from ibiblio.

I recommend upgrading to maven 1.1-b2 as well, but this error should be fixable anyway.

david jencks

On Feb 13, 2006, at 11:37 AM, leonard flournoy wrote:

no, I am using maven 1.0.2 and geronimo from trunk. I did an svn update this morning.

C:\IBM-Projects\geronimo\geronimo>maven --version
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2

On 2/13/06, Aaron Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I haven't seen that error before.  Are you using Maven 1.1-beta-2?
And what version of Geronimo are you building ( 1.0 source
distribution, or SVN HEAD, or SVN 1.0 branch)?


On 2/13/06, leonard flournoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please assist me with this problem, do I have to manually edit plugin.jelly
> ?
> File...... C:\IBM-Projects\geronimo\geronimo\maven.xml
> Element... maven:reactor
> Line...... 43
> Column.... 154
> Unable to obtain goal [multiproject:install-callback] -- C:\Documents and
> Settin
> gs\Administrator\.maven\cache\xmlbeans-maven-plugin-2.0.0-beta1\plugin.jelly:24:
> 23: <fail> Missing required attribute: targetdir
> Total time: 10 minutes 32 seconds
> Finished at: Mon Feb 13 09:37:17 PST 2006
> C:\IBM-Projects\geronimo\geronimo>

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