I opened https://issues.apache.org/activemq/browse/AMQ-1254 to deal with a similar problem for org.apache.activemq.kaha.impl.KahaStore. I'll try to scrape together some time to add to the patch for this property also.

I think we can set the property you've located in a geronimo SystemProperties gbean, there's one called ServerSystemProperties in j2ee-server. It would be great if you can open a geronimo jira for this problem and even better if you could test out using the ServerSystemProperties gbean to fix it.

david jencks

On Jun 7, 2007, at 10:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I could not locate a definitive answer on Geronimo's website so could
somebody please post this information where people will see it.
People will be frustrated with Geronimo even though the problem was
not created by the Geronimo team.  The certification news will attract
attention, but people will go away and not come back if their favorite
applications error.

The latest Geronimo 1.2 and 2.0 use ActiveMQ.
ActiveMQ adds a HashMap as a global Property named
Global Properties must be Strings.
This causes any code reading all the Properties and expecting Strings to error.

I found the error with Cocoon's SitemapVariableHolder for XMAP constants:
<myConstant>Hello World</myConstant>
"{global:myConstant}" errors

The permanent fix if for Geronimo to update to a better version of
ActiveMQ, either downgrading to before the bug was programmed or wait
for the ActiveMQ team to follow the standards.  That is unlikely to be
tested and released quickly.

The quick fix  is to disable the offensive code.  For Geronimo 1.2 on
Windows, add this line at the beginning of STARTUP.BAT:
SET GERONIMO_OPTS=- Dorg.apache.activeio.journal.active.DisableLocking=true


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