This information is now at:

I am using Geronimo as a local J2EE server for testing from a
perceived obligation as an Apache Committer to learn, support, and
market Apache software.  My application is a flexible front-end for
SAP Portal and must run on the SAP Portal WAS.  Geronimo is currently
only a concern when it is not working.  So far:
Port issue - moved RMIRegistry (and changed 2 URLs to match.)
ClassDef issue - EARs/WARs use Geronimo before own JARs.
Properties - programmer without Java experience committing to subproject.

I will submit bugs and issues and solutions and code here and in JIRA.
I will not have time to test issues solved for my situation, but the
JIRA includes test code for this issue.

Thanks for your help.


On 6/7/07, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I opened to deal
with a similar problem for org.apache.activemq.kaha.impl.KahaStore.
I'll try to scrape together some time to add to the patch for this
property also.

I think we can set the property you've located in a geronimo
SystemProperties gbean, there's one called ServerSystemProperties in
j2ee-server.  It would be great if you can open a geronimo jira for
this problem and even better if you could test out using the
ServerSystemProperties gbean to fix it.

david jencks

On Jun 7, 2007, at 10:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The latest Geronimo 1.2 and 2.0 use ActiveMQ.
> ActiveMQ adds a HashMap as a global Property named
> "".
> Global Properties must be Strings.
> This causes any code reading all the Properties and expecting
> Strings to error.
> The permanent fix if for Geronimo to update to a better version of
> ActiveMQ, either downgrading to before the bug was programmed or wait
> for the ActiveMQ team to follow the standards.  That is unlikely to be
> tested and released quickly.
> The quick fix  is to disable the offensive code.  For Geronimo 1.2 on
> Windows, add this line at the beginning of STARTUP.BAT:
> solprovider

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