Do you have a second resource adapter configured for the inbound messages to the mdb?

I seem to recall someone reporting a similar problem if they sent the same message they received. If they copied the message into a new message and sent that everything worked as expected. Are you sending the same message or copying it? I don't know which behavior is expected by the jms spec.

david jencks

On Jan 17, 2008, at 8:32 AM, Tomasz Mazan wrote:

I got MDB that listens to queue for messages.
This MDB uses ConnectionFactory to get connection to send answer to received
message. Destination is gotten from replyTo message's field.

There's quote from my resource adapter's deployment plan:

<connectionfactory-interface>javax.jms.ConnectionFactory</ connectionfactory-interface>
                                                        <transaction-caching />
<blocking-timeout-milliseconds>5000</blocking-timeout- milliseconds>

My driver (MDB) uses activation config from openejb-jar.xml:
<activation-config-property-name>destination</activation-config- property-name>
<activation-config-property-value>JmsDispatcherDAS220Request</ activation-config-property-value>
<activation-config-property-name>destinationType</activation-config- property-name>
<activation-config-property-value>javax.jms.Queue</activation- config-property-value>
<activation-config-property-name>acknowledgeMode</activation-config- property-name>
<activation-config-property-value>Auto-acknowledge</activation- config-property-value>
<activation-config-property-name>InitialRedeliveryDelay</activation- config-property-name>
<activation-config-property-value>30000</activation-config-property- value>
<activation-config-property-name>MaximumRedeliveries</activation- config-property-name>
<activation-config-property-value>9999</activation-config-property- value>
<activation-config-property-name>maxMessagesPerSessions</activation- config-property-name> <activation-config-property-value>1</activation-config-property- value>

I set maxMessagesPerSessions because sometimes MDB has to consume more
messages (it depends on currently processed message - it's kind of cleaning
queue from messages with lower priority). Now I've disabled this
functionality, but in future it should work, so I don't want to set greater
valie for maxMessahesPerSessions.

Where's the problem ?
MDB processes let's say 7-13 messages and don't execute onMessage until next
module restart via geronimo's console.

I've checked my MDB and I'm sure that all jms connections created to send
response are being closed:

                Connection conn = null;
                Session sess = null;
                MessageProducer producer = null;
                try {
                        conn = this.createConnection();
                        sess = this.createSession(conn);
                        producer = this.createMessageProducer(sess, 

                        ObjectMessage msg = this.createMessage(sess);

                        producer.send(msg, Message.DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE,
originalMessage.getJMSPriority(), Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE);

              "Success response - sent.");
                } finally {
                        try {
                                if (producer != null) {
                                if (sess != null) {
                                if (conn != null) {
                        } catch (JMSException e) {

Any idea what's wrong ?

Thanks in advance
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