On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 11:21 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jacek,
>  I assume those properties should be in the persistence.xml file, but 
> geronimo read the persistence.xml file for CMP2 beans?  I've deployed a CMP2 
> EAR without one and I'm not sure the file is even being read.
>  Is there a place to set them server wide?

Yes, persistence.xml for CMP2 ;-) Although CMP2 beans don't need
persistence.xml you should already know that Geronimo uses JPA layer
for JPA itself as well as for CMP2. With that said, you may have
expected to have a persistence.xml file for CMP2 created by Geronimo
on the fly. That's exactly how it's done. When you deploy CMP2 beans
they're layered atop JPA and persistence.xml is created for them upon
deployment. The persistence.xml name is persistence-unit name="cmp".
I'm not sure if that's described somewhere (other than burried in
openejb/geronimo mailing lists), but Running JBoss Seam 2.0.0.GA on
Geronimo 2.1 
should give you more insights on the persistence.xml with cmp PU

Ask questions so I can create a document page in Geronimo
documentation for it based on our discussion.


Jacek Laskowski

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