Hi CG, yes this is an intermittent problem that is being tracked with the JIRA below. It hasn't been fixed yet, but I shall look for a resolution sometime this week (hopefully). However, usually when it happens for me I can simply exit out of Eclipse and when I restart it, the error message will disappear. If this does not work for you please let me know and I will assign the problem a higher priority. Thanks much

-----> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMODEVTOOLS-316

CG wrote:
Hi, I have downloaded that plugin and installed. However, I am now
facing problem , when I create a Enterprise Application Project , when
I come to the screen Project Facets , there is an error message
"Geronimo Deployment 1.2 cannot be installed" , this does not happened
previously when I was using 4 Mar snapshot of GEP 2.1.

I am a newbie , so not sure whether is my problem or the GEP RC1
problem , hope to get some help to settle this problem ..


On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Tim McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Tobias, I've just placed the latest 2.1 plugin on the unstable site that
 Hernan mentioned. While officially not released yet, this version is fairly
 "stable". If you choose to use it please let me know if you encounter any
 problems. Thanks much.

 Hernan Cunico wrote:
 > Hi,
 > this plugin has not been released yet but it should be out very soon.
 > You can get the latest unstable here
 > http://people.apache.org/dist/geronimo/eclipse/unstable/2.1.0/
 > HTH
 > Cheers!
 > Hernan
 > Tobias Mueller wrote:
 >> Hi,
 >> I'm missing the GEP 2.1 that is mentioned in the 5 Minute Tutorial.
 >> What happened to that plugin?
 >> Tobias
 >> ---
 >> Tobias Mueller
 >> Kandelstr. 6
 >> 76199 Karlsruhe
 >> +49 721 37 88 51
 >> mobil
 >> +49 172 71 34 91 4
 >> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >> http://www.infobean.de
 >> feed://www.infobean.de/index.xml
 >> ---

 Tim McConnell

Tim McConnell

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