On Aug 8, 2008, at 2:13 PM, devdev wrote:

Regarding #1, would you please point me to some instructions or examples? I have a 4 appservers running on different computers and I'd like to install an ActiveMQ on a 5th computer and have the 4 appservers sending/ receiving
message from AMQ.

I don't know of any explicit documentation for this use case. Perhaps someone would be interested in generating some?

This URL shows the deployment plan used for the embedded ActiveMQ resource adapter -- http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC21/deployment-plans.html#Deploymentplans-EmbeddedActiveMQresourceadapter

Note the property setting for 'ServerUrl'. If you're using the same version of ActiveMQ that Geronimo embeds (G 2.1.2 uses 4.1.2), you could use the above plan as a guide and deploy a new resource adapter for the external ActiveMQ server. Alternatively, if you're using a different ActiveMQ version, deploy the activemq rar file (in lib/ optional of the activemq installation) using the same general scheme -- setting the ServerUrl property in your deployment plan (assuming ActiveMQ has not changed their RA config properties).


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