I'm not a committer on OpenEJB, so I'd suggest you go add comments to JIRA OPENEJB-889 about your situation and see if it sparks someone's interest....


jklcom99 wrote:
Yes, by merging the jms module into app ear deployment.  But now we really
need to keep them separate because other apps depend on that jms module

Can you make these two fixes happen sooner because we really really really
need them in order to upgrade?


Donald Woods-2 wrote:
OPENEJB-889 may not happen until their 3.1 release and Geronimo 2.2, but didn't you find a work-around for this, by changing the app packaging?


jklcom99 wrote:
Is there a time line for these two fixes?
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-3316 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENEJB-889

We really need these to migrate to G2x.

Thank you

Donald Woods-2 wrote:
No, and I've updated https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-3316 with some fix versions so this doesn't fall of our radar again. Thanks.


jklcom99 wrote:

Is there a way to tell Geronimo to ignore the manifest classpath that
included in the jars while deploying instead of just flat out failed? Looks
like Geronimo does not like "." notation, reference to a directory such
"../somelib" or any jars that it cannot resolved in the ear lib.


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