On Dec 4, 2008, at 8:46 PM, David Jencks wrote:

The only thing that comes to mind so far is that ejb cmp 2.1 entity beans have been completely rewritten to use jpa rather than tranql. There were some reports early on that in some situations this was a lot slower, but I think that in other situations it was faster. Are you using cmp 2.1 entity beans?

That seems like a pretty good hypothesis.

Have you monitored memory utilization? I'd turn on verbosegc. Possible that you're getting into a memory constrained situation and spending a lot of time GC'ing (but never running out of heap)

Barring the above, I'd suggest you profile your server. Or, if you have a test application that can illustrate this issue, we'd be able to find somebody that could take a closer look.


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