We are still on the 7.10 Gutsy release.

You should be able to locate what module it is that takes time to start by looking in the geronimo.out file. If your issue is related to uddi and a web service (WSDL like my issue is) maybe the service is not released correctly during Geronimo server shutdown prior to restart but this is speculation on my part.

Maybe someone with deeper knowledge of the inner workings of uddi can shed some light on this?

 Peter Petersson

Luis Ortíz Silva wrote:
Thank you Peter.

In the firts time i supoussed that is a problem with the uddi service beacause always stoped in this point but in the feature. didn't stop here stops before star the tomcat container. I used to check the open ports before start the server and any port had already in use.

I think is a lack issue when Geronimo tries to find or bind a network service or resource, but i can't isolated the issue beacuase Geronimo not sends any exception, only waits.

Do you are using 8.04 o 8.10 Ubuntu?


2009/1/5 Peter Petersson <petersson.pe...@gmail.com <mailto:petersson.pe...@gmail.com>>

    Hi Luis

    I am using Geronimo 2.1.x on a Ubuntu server and have seen this
    behavior a couple of times.

    In my case the startup delay problem you describe has occurred
    during a re-start of Geronimo and in my case. By checking the
    <geronimo home>/var/log/geronimo.out file I have found the
    following module to be the one taken time to start

Module 18/80 org.apache.geronimo.configs/uddi-tomcat/2.1/car started in 3:01.119s

    In my case the problem has been related to a prior "misbehavior"
    of a web service application (during shutdown of Geronimo) and the
    delay is probably related to a port binding issue. Apart from the
    somewhat alarming startup delay I have not noticed any following
    sub sequential problem with the running Geronimo server or any
    deployed web service.

    If you hit this problem frequently maybe you can find out if you
    have a port issue by checking your systems used ports with
    "netstat -lp" (prior to start/restart of Geronimo) against the
    ports Geronimo allocates. Ports used by Geronimo is listed in the
    var/log/geronimo.out file.

    I have only seen this a problem a few times during a relatively
    long time and some Geronimo restarts so I have not investigated
    the issue any future but maybe this information will point you in
    the right direction. If needed maybe someone else can fill in the
    blanks ;).

     Peter Petersson

    Luis Ortíz Silva wrote:


        I'am getting a big startup issue with mi Geronimo 2.1.3 in
        Ubuntu Server 8.04 kernel 2.6.24-22-server . It takes 4
        minutes to start. I start with thi verbose options. But after
        this message:

        "17:11:53,456 INFO  [SystemProperties] Setting
        Property=org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE to

        Geronimos stops the startup process and delays about 4 minutes
        in continue.

        I analized the iptables rules, disable the IPv6 capabilities
        (beacuse Geronimo always binds to an INET6 port), apparmor is
        desabled, but the problem persist in the time. I reproduced
        the same error in my laptop, and always did the same.

        If anyone knows how to solve this issue i apreciate a lot,
        beacuse i need to put in productive mode this server.

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