Which JDK are you using? I've seen on occasion when Java SE 6 is used and the server doesn't shutdown cleanly, that all of the JSPs get recompiled on the next startup, which can take 30+ secs depending on the speed of your machine and the apps you have deployed.


Luis Ortíz Silva wrote:

I'am getting a big startup issue with mi Geronimo 2.1.3 in Ubuntu Server 8.04 kernel 2.6.24-22-server . It takes 4 minutes to start. I start with thi verbose options. But after this message:

"17:11:53,456 INFO [SystemProperties] Setting Property=org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE to Value=true

Geronimos stops the startup process and delays about 4 minutes in continue.

I analized the iptables rules, disable the IPv6 capabilities (beacuse Geronimo always binds to an INET6 port), apparmor is desabled, but the problem persist in the time. I reproduced the same error in my laptop, and always did the same.

If anyone knows how to solve this issue i apreciate a lot, beacuse i need to put in productive mode this server.

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