
we are looking for a transaction manager, Corba OTS based if possible, to
manage non-J2EE DB XA transactions.
What is the current state of the Geronimo Transaction manager? Can it be
used from outside of Geronimo?

What is Geronimo Transaction manager based on? Is it JOTM, OpenEJB or an own
implementation? There is some information that indicates that Geronimo would
be based on JOTM 
but I believe this is no longer current, is it?

I tried if the Geronimo Orb supports OTS, but it looks like it doesn't, does

ORB orb = (ORB) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/ORB");
org.omg.CORBA.Object o =

results in 

org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/ORB/InvalidName:1.0

So, even if it cannot be used as OTS, can the Geronimo Transaction service
be used from outside of Geronimo?       

Thanks very much,
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