Ricardo Peironcely wrote:
>  When I try to deply this app in Geronimo 2.1.3 with the "Deploy New"
>  option in the console, always get the same error:
>  Plan file does not contain well formed xml
>       at org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment\
> .EARConfigBuilder.getEarPlan(EARConfigBuilder.java:402)
>  /tmp/geronimo-deploymentUtil33577.war:1:1: error: Illegal XML character: 0x3
>  Caused by: org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.piccolo.io.IllegalCharException:
>  Illegal XML character: 0x3
>  I don't use a Plan file, only specify ear file. How can I know where
>  is the problem?

When I look at the stack trace it seems to say that someone may have
slipped in a illegal character in a file that is declaired to be UTF8
encoded. Ox3 is a control character in UTF-8, but if you use a broken
editor and wrong file encoding when editing the plan files it is easy
to add a illegal character by mistake.

It could be any one of application.xml, web.xml or ejb-jar.xml. If you
use a more convenient xml validator than geronimo ;) I'm sure it will
point out exactly which character and which file. If you're on linux I
can recommend the neat tool xmllint. In windows, just fire up netbeans
or eclipse.

Fredrik Jonson

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