Could you outline your goal a little more from a higher level viewpoint?

If you are trying to produce a consistent reproducible server image with known contents through your build system I recommend assembling a custom server using maven.

If you are trying to install plugins to an existing server using scripts I recommend gshell.

If you are building plugins using maven (highly recommended) I recommend sonatype nexus as a remote plugin repository. You can easily set up a company-wide nexus instance and arrange for maven to deploy your plugins into it.

IIRC in trunk the geronimo-maven-plugin can also be used to install plugins into a running geronimo server. I don't recall if this made it into the 2.1.x series.

david jencks

On Mar 9, 2009, at 10:50 AM, RickI wrote:

You can also use tomcat/jetty that comes with geronimo to expose repo via

What I try to do is to install plugin from remote repo without web console.
I try to do it from ant by calling deploy command line tool,
or from java code by calling gbean.



RunHua Chi wrote:

Alright, to accomplish what you expected, it's more likely about how to
up a http server and expose the file via http url.

Here is the topic for your information. you are using
http server.)
And farming,load balancing and clustering topics using Geronimo, please
refer to

Jeff Chi

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 11:35 AM, James D Carroll <> wrote:

The example showed 2 'remote' repositories (for apache) as does my local
install, so that's why I was thinking that it was possible.

And the scenario you gave of a company wide repository is precisely why
I was asking. I work at a very large/ global company and my group
creates web based apps, but in PHP running on Apache. I'm trying to make the case that we should move to Java/Geronimo so that we can create the code and post it to the repository. Then the other areas could come and
get it whenever they wanted; perhaps to a test instance first, then
their prod server could pick it up from there when it was approved.

I haven't tried it either; Networking is my kryptonite and gettin it
runnin in VirtualBox is gonna kill me. :)   I wanna workthrough/
understand farming/load balancing/clustering too.


On Sun, 2009-03-08 at 08:44 +0800, chi runhua wrote:
James, the page you mentioned is about how to build a local plugin
repository and import plugins from it. I guess it could be applied to
the remote repository as well, as long as you have a
geronimo-plugins.xml and all plugins ready for import.

For example, you have a remote repository with url http:\
\\plugins, and you've already placed a
geronimo-plugins.xml file in. Then add your url to your repository
list from geronimo admin console and plugins will be listed for

I didn't try the scenario yet, but I think it's possible.

Anything incorrect or misleading, please someone, just hop in.

Jeff Chi

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 5:42 AM, James D Carroll
<> wrote:
       I'm confused. Isn't this page saying that it is possible:

       Namely the ability to have an instance of Geronimo point at
       another (or
       at least some remote reposotory) and install new

Maybe that wasn't the OPs question, but I was hoping you could
       that for me.


       On Fri, 2009-03-06 at 13:31 -0800, David Jencks wrote:
On Mar 6, 2009, at 12:41 PM, RickI wrote:

Is there any gbean that can be use to install plugin from

The PluginInstallerGBean is used to do this from the console
       and from

david jencks


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