Hi David

Thanks for the reply. I have been having some limited success with
EclipseLink. I dump all queries from mysql into a log file and watch it
with tail -f /var/log/mysql/querylog. Simple technique and I can see all
queries being executed on the server when I run my project using
Eclipselink when I do a entitymanager.find(SomeClass.Class, Value) call
the JPA provider does not execute any SQL on the server. 

If I run it with openJPA I can see SELECT col1,col2 FROM SomeClassTable
WHERE PrimaryKey =Value being executed. Now I am running geronimo 2.2.1
and I think the built in caching is probably a JPA2 specification. I
might be wrong here. However as we are dealing with a system where data
are mostly read only caching would be a great performance booster. I
tried installing the OpenJPA2 plugins for Geronimo but they have some
issue. So I am kind of stuck.

Will let you know what I find out as I progress.


On Tue, 2011-03-01 at 00:32 -0800, David Jencks wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> As far as I know openJPA and EclipseLink are both really good JPA 
> implementations.  I wasn't aware that either one provided data caching 
> without add on products, but I'm not an expert in either product.  In 
> geronimo you are probably more likely to be able to find help using openjpa 
> because the geronimo developers know it better and openjpa is another apache 
> project.  Other than that guess I don't have much advice on a choice.
> thanks
> david jencks
> On Feb 28, 2011, at 10:53 PM, Neil Franken wrote:
> > Hi All
> > 
> > I need some help to make up my mind about what technologies to use in my
> > project. Now there is going to be some rather newbie questions in here
> > but I need some input from people that work with the technology.
> > 
> > Here is my problem. We are doing a project that requires us to use JPA.
> > Now I need the JPA to be able to cache data to reduce the load on the
> > MySQL servers. So over the last couple of days I have been doing a lot
> > of porting of code from a Glassfish v3 and eclipselink project to
> > Geronimo. 
> > 
> > However going through the documentation I had a look a OpenJPA as well.
> > It seems that openJPA is also a very good product.... so my main
> > question is.
> > 
> > Which one is better to use in Geronimo.I know OpenJPA is allready
> > available in Geronimo and from what I can find on the internet it seems
> > to be a viable alternative to EclipseLink.
> > 
> > So can anyone here shed some light on the choice I have to make? Seems
> > like Java programmers in South Africa just use JDBC so finding someone
> > to have a decent discussion about JPA/ORM Frameworks leads nowhere fast.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Neil
> > 

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