You don't need tomcat installed to work with Geronimo. The Geronimo App
Server comes bundled with Tomcat (or Jetty, yes you have to flavours to
choose) as servlet container. I'm pretty sure the Tomcat version bundled
with G2.2 is v6, but some of the G gurus on the list might better answer
Tomcat != Geronimo, Tomcat is a servelet container, means implements servlet
specification, Geronimo is an App Server, means implements the full J2EE
spec, more precisely Geronimo 2.2 implements J2EE 5 (Geronimo 3 will
implement J2EE 6).

Regarding 3.0, it's still not out but you can download and build the
snapshot version from SVN, thought not all of the J2EE specs are totally


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 9:30 AM, Martin Storch <>wrote:

> Hi there,
> I would like to update my publishing system and have heard that Geronimo
> 2.2 doesn't work with Tomcat 7.0, just with Tomcat 6.x. Is that true?
> When I just install the Geronimo Framework, how can I connect that with (a
> separate) Tomcat-Installation?
> Do I still need Tomcat when Geronimo is installed? Where is the difference
> between those programs.
> And finally, when will Geronimo 3.0 be done?
> Thanks and have a nice day,
> Martin Storch

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