On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Martin Storch wrote:

> Hi there,
> I would like to update my publishing system and have heard that Geronimo
> 2.2 doesn't work with Tomcat 7.0, just with Tomcat 6.x. Is that true?

Correct. Geronimo 2.2 includes Tomcat 6.0.x.

> When I just install the Geronimo Framework, how can I connect that with (a
> separate) Tomcat-Installation?

You don't connect it to an existing Tomcat installation. Tomcat (or Jetty) is 
included when you install Geronimo. 

> Do I still need Tomcat when Geronimo is installed? Where is the difference
> between those programs.

No. Geronimo could replace Tomcat. Tomcat implements the Servlet/JSP 
specification. Geronimo can provide full Java EE 5 functionality (Servlet/JSP, 
JSF, JPA, EJB, JMS, etc). Geronimo is component-based and the functionality 
provided by a Geronimo server is flexible. We provide a full Java EE server and 
a minimal (web container plus a bit more) server assembly. You can also create 
a server assembly with just the features you require. For instance, I know 
somebody running Geronimo with OpenEJB and ActiveMQ, but without a web 

> And finally, when will Geronimo 3.0 be done?

Fairly soon, we hope. I'm guessing 2-3 months.


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