The job expects the input data in adjacency list format, each line
should look like:

vertex neighbor1 neighbor2 ....


On 07.08.2012 00:02, Vishal Patel wrote:
> Thanks Sebastian, it runs fine now. However, the output comes back as
> 0       0
> 1       1
> 2       2
> 3       3
> 4       4
> 5       5
> 6       6
> ..
> I have an unsorted edge file with just int values.
> My test graph (head below) has 10,000 nodes ( from 0 to 9999) and 9998
> edges. There are 4 connected components in the graph.
> 0       5800
> 0       5981
> 1       1239
> 1       2989
> 1       3961
> 2       5417
> 2       7350
> What am I doing wrong? Also, in general does the graph have to have int
> values for nodes? Or can I have strings?
> Appreciate your help!
> Vishal
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Sebastian Schelter <> wrote:
>> You cannot run the vertex class directly. Instead you can use
>> GiraphRunner, e.g.
>> hadoop jar giraph-jar-with-dependencies.jar
>> org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner
>> org.apache.giraph.examples.ConnectedComponentsVertex --inputFormat
>> org.apache.giraph.examples.IntIntNullIntTextInputFormat --inputPath
>> hdfs:///path/to/input --outputFormat
>> org.apache.giraph.examples.VertexWithComponentTextOutputFormat
>> --outputPath hdfs:///path/to/output --workers numWorkers --combiner
>> org.apache.giraph.examples.MinimumIntCombiner
>> --sebastian
>> 2012/8/6 Vishal Patel <>:
>>> Hi, I am trying to run the connected-components example. I have giraph
>>> installed, all the test pass on a 3 node cluster running hadoop-1.0.3/
>>> The main method is missing in the ConnectedComponentsVertex class
>>> cd target/classes
>>> hadoop jar ../giraph-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
>>> org.apache.giraph.examples.ConnectedComponentsVertex
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
>> org.apache.giraph.examples.ConnectedComponentsVertex.main([Ljava.lang.String;)
>>>         at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
>>>         at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(
>>> Can someone please help me with running this example?
>>> Vishal

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