That sounds fantastic. I think some basic tutorial pages on the various
features with a snipped of example code, along with a page for writing a
simple vertex and just running it at the command line with existing IO
Formats via GiraphRunner would be wonderful to go with the benchmark run
example we already have. I'm happy to help, this really needs to be done.
More so with a new release coming up at some point.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 6:43 AM, Maja Kabiljo <> wrote:

>  I don't plan to change the API for aggregators anymore, only the way
> they are implemented is going to change (unless someone else has an
> objection/improvement to current API). So I can write the tutorial on how
> to use them already.
>  We should probably make some plan for the pages structure on
>, otherwise it's
> going to be a mess :-) So for example have a section with writing a simple
> application first, with some examples. And then a section with additional
> stuff, subsections for combiners, aggregators, master computeā€¦ What do you
> think?
>   From: Eli Reisman <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7:38 PM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: How to register aggregators with the 'new' Giraph?
>  Hey Maja,
> A small tutorial on the wiki would be wonderful, either now or when the
> final changes to aggregators in the upcoming patches are done. We need a
> wiki entry for master compute too. I would like to go through and update
> some of the website examples as well  regarding best practices with the new
> Vertex API, using the bin/giraph script and command line opts to set up
> jobs without writing your own run() method, implementing Tool, and writing
> your own IO Formats, etc.
> Thanks again!
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Paolo Castagna 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi Maja,
>> yep, your explanation makes sense.
>> Clear now.
>> Paiki
>> On 11 September 2012 16:09, Maja Kabiljo <> wrote:
>> > Hi Paolo,
>> >
>> > Glad to hear it works :-)
>> >
>> > The reason why you don't see the value you set with setAggregatedValue
>> > right away is that we want to read aggregated values from previous
>> > superstep and change them for next one. It goes the same with vertices
>> > where you call aggregate to give values for next superstep and read the
>> > values from previous. This is actually the part which wasn't working
>> well
>> > before - it wasn't possible to get aggregated value without changes that
>> > vertices on the same worker made in current superstep. Hope this makes
>> it
>> > clear for you.
>> >
>> > Maja
>> >
>> >
>> > On 9/11/12 12:45 PM, "Paolo Castagna" <> wrote:
>> >
>> >>Hi,
>> >>the green bar is back. :-)
>> >>
>> >>I made multiple mistakes in relation to the new aggregators but now I
>> >>believe I grasped how they work.
>> >>
>> >>For those interested the PageRankVertex, PageRankMasterCompute and
>> >>PageRankWorkerContext are here:
>> >>
>> >>a071a91cee8/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank/PageRankV
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>a071a91cee8/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank/PageRankM
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>a071a91cee8/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank/PageRankW
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>There might be some further improvement left, but I'll try that another
>> >>time.
>> >>
>> >>For example:
>> >>
>> >>  registerPersistentAggregator("dangling-current",
>> >>DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>  registerPersistentAggregator("error-current",
>> >>DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>
>> >>Could probably be registerAggregator.
>> >>
>> >>I also noticed that within the compute() method if I call
>> >>setAggregatedValue("name", ...) and getAggregatedValue("name") I don't
>> >>seem to get the value set back. But the value is sent to the worker.
>> >>This is not important, but it confuses me.
>> >>
>> >>I do agree with you, now the situation around aggregators is cleaner
>> >>than before.
>> >>
>> >>Thank you for your help.
>> >>
>> >>Paolo
>> >>
>> >>PS:
>> >>There is still a known failure in the tests, that is to show that the
>> >>SimplePageRankVertex approach is "too simple", it does not give back a
>> >>probability distribution (i.e. sum at the end is not 1.0) and it does
>> >>not take into account dangling nodes properly.
>> >>On the other hand, PageRankVertex produces same results as two other
>> >>implementations: one serial, all in memory and another one using JUNG.
>> >>
>> >>On 11 September 2012 11:03, Maja Kabiljo <> wrote:
>> >>> Hi Paolo,
>> >>>
>> >>> You get null for aggregated value because aggregators haven't been
>> >>> registered yet in the moment WorkerContext.preApllication() is called.
>> >>>But
>> >>> I think that shouldn't be a problem since you can set initial values
>> for
>> >>> aggregators in MasterCompute.initialize().
>> >>>
>> >>> Please also note that you are not using the new aggregator api in the
>> >>> proper way. Function getAggregatedValue will return the value of the
>> >>> aggregator, not the aggregator object itself. It's not possible to set
>> >>>the
>> >>> value of the aggregators on workers (in methods from WorkerContext and
>> >>> Vertex), because that would produce nondeterministic results. You
>> >>> aggregate on workers and set values on master.
>> >>>
>> >>> As for persistent vs regular aggregator, value of regular aggregator
>> is
>> >>> being reset before each superstep, while the persistent isn't. For
>> >>> example, if you have a persistent sum aggregator its value is going to
>> >>>be
>> >>> the sum of all values given to it from the beginning of application.
>> If
>> >>> you have regular sum aggregator the value is going to be just the sum
>> of
>> >>> values from previous superstep.
>> >>>
>> >>> I can write a small tutorial about aggregators if someone can tell me
>> >>> where and how to do that. :-) I see that for people who were using
>> >>> aggregators before these changes will be confusing, but I think that
>> for
>> >>> the ones who are starting with current state it will be much easier.
>> >>>
>> >>> Maja
>> >>>
>> >>> On 9/11/12 9:49 AM, "Paolo Castagna" <>
>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>Hi,
>> >>>>this is how I run the PageRank implementation (mine takes into account
>> >>>>dangling nodes and checks for convergence):
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
>> >>>>params.put(GiraphJob.WORKER_CONTEXT_CLASS,
>> >>>>"org.apache.jena.grande.giraph.pagerank.PageRankVertexWorkerContext");
>> >>>>params.put(GiraphJob.MASTER_COMPUTE_CLASS,
>> >>>>"org.apache.jena.grande.giraph.pagerank.PageRankVertexMasterCompute");
>> >>>>
>> >>>>String[] data = getData ( filename );
>> >>>>Iterable<String> results =
>> >>>>  PageRankVertex.class,
>> >>>>  PageRankVertexInputFormat.class,
>> >>>>  PageRankVertexOutputFormat.class,
>> >>>>  params,
>> >>>>  data
>> >>>>);
>> >>>>
>> >>>>This used to work, however I was registering aggregators in
>> >>>>PageRankVertexWorkerContext (see below).
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Now, I am trying to do the same in PageRankVertexMasterCompute which
>> >>>>extends DefaultMasterCompute and has only one method:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>@Override
>> >>>>public void initialize() throws InstantiationException,
>> >>>>IllegalAccessException {
>> >>>>  log.debug("initialize");
>> >>>>  registerPersistentAggregator("dangling-current",
>> >>>>DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>  registerPersistentAggregator("error-current",
>> >>>>DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>  registerPersistentAggregator("pagerank-sum",
>> >>>>DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>  registerPersistentAggregator("vertices-count",
>> >>>>LongSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>}
>> >>>>
>> >>>>I am not 100% sure about registerAggregator vs.
>> >>>>registerPersistentAggregator.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>The initialize() method is now being called, I see this on the
>> console:
>> >>>>09:34:46 DEBUG PageRankVertexMasterCompute :: initialize
>> >>>>
>> >>>>In PageRankVertexWorkerContext which extends WorkerContex I override
>> >>>>the preApplication() method:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>> >>>>@Override
>> >>>>public void preApplication() throws InstantiationException,
>> >>>>IllegalAccessException {
>> >>>>  log.debug("preApplication()");
>> >>>>
>> >>>>System.out.println(((Aggregator<DoubleWritable>)getAggregatedValue("erro
>> >>>>r-
>> >>>>current")));
>> >>>>
>> >>>>((Aggregator<DoubleWritable>)getAggregatedValue("error-current")).setAgg
>> >>>>re
>> >>>>gatedValue(
>> >>>>new DoubleWritable( Double.MAX_VALUE ) );
>> >>>>}
>> >>>>
>> >>>>The getAggregatedValue("error-current") above is null and I do not
>> >>>>understand why.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Just to make things even more clear, this is how I used to run the
>> >>>>PageRank implementation locally:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>d5
>> >>>>39c70274e7c/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank/RunPage
>> >>>>Ra
>> >>>>
>> >>>>And this is the WorkerContext I used to have:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>d5
>> >>>>39c70274e7c/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank/PageRan
>> >>>>kV
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>As you can see, it used to call registerAggregator(...) in the
>> >>>>preApplication() method:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>> >>>>@Override
>> >>>>public void preApplication() throws InstantiationException,
>> >>>>IllegalAccessException {
>> >>>>  log.debug("preApplication()");
>> >>>>  registerAggregator("dangling-current", SumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>  registerAggregator("error-current", SumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>  registerAggregator("pagerank-sum", SumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>  registerAggregator("vertices-count", LongSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>((Aggregator<DoubleWritable>)getAggregator("error-current")).setAggregat
>> >>>>ed
>> >>>>Value(
>> >>>>new DoubleWritable( Double.MAX_VALUE ) );
>> >>>>}
>> >>>>
>> >>>>The registerAggregator() method in WorkerContext is gone and I am
>> >>>>trying to achieve the same via MasterCompute now.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Regards,
>> >>>>Paolo
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>On 11 September 2012 00:20, Paolo Castagna <>
>> >>>>wrote:
>> >>>>> Hi Gianmarco,
>> >>>>> good, that was one problem... but I am not yet back to the green
>> bar.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Here is how I am running it locally now:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>         Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
>> >>>>>         params.put(GiraphJob.WORKER_CONTEXT_CLASS,
>> >>>>>
>> "org.apache.jena.grande.giraph.pagerank.PageRankVertexWorkerContext");
>> >>>>>         params.put(GiraphJob.MASTER_COMPUTE_CLASS,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>"org.apache.jena.grande.giraph.pagerank.SimplePageRankVertexMasterCompu
>> >>>>>te
>> >>>>>");
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>         String[] data = getData ( filename );
>> >>>>>         Iterable<String> results =
>> >>>>>                 PageRankVertex.class,
>> >>>>>                 PageRankVertexInputFormat.class,
>> >>>>>                 PageRankVertexOutputFormat.class,
>> >>>>>                 params,
>> >>>>>                 data
>> >>>>>             );
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> However, I need to learn more about the MasterComput (and its
>> relation
>> >>>>> with WorkerContext).
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Paolo
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On 10 September 2012 22:08, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales
>> >>>>> <> wrote:
>> >>>>>> Hi Paolo,
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Are you setting the MasterCompute class?
>> >>>>>> You can do it with this option of bin/giraph
>> >>>>>> -mc,--masterCompute <arg>      MasterCompute class
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Cheers,
>> >>>>>> --
>> >>>>>> Gianmarco
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Paolo Castagna
>> >>>>>><>
>> >>>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Hi,
>> >>>>>>> first and foremost, thanks for all the work and improvements on
>> >>>>>>>Giraph.
>> >>>>>>> I went away from computers for a while (personal reasons) and
>> >>>>>>>changed
>> >>>>>>> job, now I am back and playing with Giraph when I can.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I updated my little examples (overall, it was easy and quick, here
>> >>>>>>>the
>> >>>>>>> changes [1]. Just in case others are in a similar situation and
>> want
>> >>>>>>> to have a look).
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I am not sure I get the 'new' aggregators and in particular how I
>> >>>>>>>can
>> >>>>>>> 'register' them. My tests failing confirm my non understanding!
>> And
>> >>>>>>> forgive me if I come here and ask such a simple question.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Here is what I used to do [2]:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> public class PageRankVertexWorkerContext extends WorkerContext {
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   private static final Logger log =
>> >>>>>>> LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRankVertexWorkerContext.class);
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   public static double errorPrevious = Double.MAX_VALUE;
>> >>>>>>>   public static double danglingPrevious = 0d;
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>> >>>>>>>   @Override
>> >>>>>>>   public void preApplication() throws InstantiationException,
>> >>>>>>> IllegalAccessException {
>> >>>>>>>     log.debug("preApplication()");
>> >>>>>>>     registerAggregator("dangling-current", SumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>     registerAggregator("error-current", SumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>     registerAggregator("pagerank-sum", SumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>     registerAggregator("vertices-count", LongSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>((Aggregator<DoubleWritable>)getAggregator("error-current")).setAggre
>> >>>>>>>ga
>> >>>>>>>tedValue(
>> >>>>>>> new DoubleWritable( Double.MAX_VALUE ) );
>> >>>>>>>   }
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   [...]
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Here is what I am trying to do now [3]:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> public class PageRankVertexWorkerContext extends WorkerContext {
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   private static final Logger log =
>> >>>>>>> LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRankVertexWorkerContext.class);
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   public static double errorPrevious = Double.MAX_VALUE;
>> >>>>>>>   public static double danglingPrevious = 0d;
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   // TODO: double check this... how is calling initialize()?
>> >>>>>>>   public static class SimplePageRankVertexMasterCompute extends
>> >>>>>>> DefaultMasterCompute {
>> >>>>>>>     @Override
>> >>>>>>>     public void initialize() throws InstantiationException,
>> >>>>>>> IllegalAccessException {
>> >>>>>>>       registerAggregator("dangling-current",
>> >>>>>>>DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>       registerAggregator("error-current",
>> >>>>>>>DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>       registerAggregator("pagerank-sum",
>> DoubleSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>       registerAggregator("vertices-count",
>> LongSumAggregator.class);
>> >>>>>>>     }
>> >>>>>>>   }
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>   [...]
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I am not convinced someone is actually calling the initialize()
>> >>>>>>>method
>> >>>>>>> and there must be something I am missing (yesterday was late,
>> after
>> >>>>>>>a
>> >>>>>>> long day at work).
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Anyway, is there a place/example where I can learn how to use
>> >>>>>>> Aggregators with the new Giraph?
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Thanks again and it's good to see Giraph mailing list and JIRA
>> >>>>>>>'brewing'
>> >>>>>>> ;-)
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Paolo
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>  [1]
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>6c
>> >>>>>>>158d878b590858b5#src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank
>> >>>>>>>/P
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>  [2]
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>8e
>> >>>>>>>dd539c70274e7c/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank/P
>> >>>>>>>ag
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>  [3]
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>15
>> >>>>>>>8d878b590858b5/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/grande/giraph/pagerank/P
>> >>>>>>>ag
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>
>> >

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