Sorry guys, it was my bad ...
The debug message fooled me ...
Really sorry for bothering.

2013/7/4 Avery Ching <>

>  Claudio, any thoughts?
> On 7/3/13 3:52 AM, Han JU wrote:
> Hi,
>  I've been testing some algorithm using the out-of-core feature, and I
> have an strange ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
>  In my computation class, the vertex value is a custom writable class
> which contains a long[]. And during the computation, when the code access
> this array (say at index 0), the exception is thrown.
>   Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
>   at
> some.package.ProjectionComputation.compute(
>   at
> org.apache.giraph.graph.ComputeCallable.computePartition(
>   at
>   at
>  This happens only if out-of-core graph is enabled and the
> maxPartitionsInMemory is lower than the actual partitions. The vertex value
> class is solid in terms of serialization (proven by unit tests).
> The strange thing is that when the exception is thrown, the array index is
> perfectly legal. And I can even print the long value retrieved from the
> array ... So it seems to me that maybe it's not a problem within my code.
>  Any suggestions?
>  My programs base on the trunk.
>  --
> *JU Han*
>    Software Engineer Intern @ KXEN Inc.
>   UTC   -  Université de Technologie de Compiègne
>    *     **GI06 - Fouille de Données et Décisionnel*
>  +33 0619608888

*JU Han*

Software Engineer Intern @ KXEN Inc.
UTC   -  Université de Technologie de Compiègne
*     **GI06 - Fouille de Données et Décisionnel*

+33 0619608888

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