If you don't care about reproducibility of the vertex ids you could
probably use UUID class from java to create random UUIDs
On Jul 4, 2013 2:19 AM, "Christian Krause" <m...@ckrause.org> wrote:

> Yes, that would be perfectly fine. How can I do this? Specifically, how do
> I get the ID of the worker? And can I then just use a counter field in my
> computation which I increase whenever I need a new ID?
> (So my global ID would be a pair of the worker ID and the number I derived
> from incrementing the counter).
> Cheers,
> Christian
> 2013/7/3 Avery Ching <ach...@apache.org>
>> What are the requirements of your global ids?  If they simply need to be
>> unique, you can split the id space across workers and assign them
>> incrementally.
>> On 6/30/13 1:09 AM, Christian Krause wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was wondering if there is a way to register a global factory for new
>>> vertex IDs. Currently, I have to come up with new IDs in my compute method
>>> which does work, but with the penality that the required memory for vertex
>>> IDs is unnecessarily high. If there was a global vertex ID factory I could
>>> just keep a global counter and increase it by one when I need a new ID. Is
>>> something like that possible, or does it conflict with the BSP computation
>>> model? The thing is, in the end vertex ID collisions are detected by
>>> Giraph, so why not allow also a global vertex ID factory...
>>> Cheers,
>>> Christian

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