Please help..


On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Jyoti Yadav <>wrote:

> Anyone please reply..
> On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Jyoti Yadav 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi..
>> I have one query in my mind..I don't know whether it is a silly question
>> or not?
>> But the question is
>> Suppose the scenario mentioned below..
>> At Superstep 0
>>     1.All vertices are active.
>>      2. All vertices write some vaue to the SumAggregator.
>>      3.  All vertices vote for halt..
>> The question is that Will the  vertices be able to get the value of
>> SumAggregator in
>> next superstep? Becoz in superstep 0 no explicit msg is being passed to
>> the neighbours.. And  at the end all vertices are voting for halt..
>> Any suggestions are really appreciated..
>> Regards
>> Jyoti

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