You can look at the Facebook Link Prediction Challenge on Kaggle where you
have to suggest links in a social Network.
The link for the forum for the contest is:
It has a lot of interesting approaches. One of them can be found at the
link below:

I am currently looking at a paper : Supervised Random Walks for Predicting
Links in social networks.

I don't know If I can implement it in giraph. I will read the paper
completely and try to. Will keep you posted.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 5:55 AM, Claudio Martella <
claudio.marte...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would assume that it depends on your data. A graph is a very general
> structure, and it is difficult to attack this problem in general. The most
> obvious one is transitive closure (if A is connected to B and B to C then A
> could be conntected to C). The triangle counting example in our codebase
> (although the name is misleading) is based on these kinds of assumptions.
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Pascal Jäger <pas...@pascaljaeger.de>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone happen to know a paper about link prediction using a pregel
>> like framework like Giraph?
>> Or has someone an idea about how link prediction could be accomplished
>> with Giraph?
>> Any input is highly appreciated :)
>> Thanks
>> Pascal
> --
>    Claudio Martella
>    claudio.marte...@gmail.com

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