Yes, you'll have to make sure that the pseudorandomedgeinputformat provides
the right types.
The code for the watts strogatz model is the same package as the
pseudorandom... but in trunk and not in 1.0.

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Mirko Kämpf <>wrote:

> Thanks, Claudio.
> I conclude from your mail, I have to create my own
> PseudoRandomEdgeInputFormat and PseudoRandomVertexInputFormat with types,
> which fit to the algorithm I want to use. So I misunderstood the concept
> and not all InputFormats fit to any given implemented algorithm. I this
> right?
> But what about the *config parameters*, I have to provide for the
> PseudoRandom ... InputFormat and where is the code for the *watts
> strogatz model* you mentioned in a previous post?
> Best wishes
>  Mirko

   Claudio Martella

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