Hi Alex,

answers are inline.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Alexander Frolov

> Hi, folks!
> I have started small research of Giraph framework and I have not much
> experience with Giraph and Hadoop :-(.
> I would like to ask several questions about how things are working in
> Giraph which are not straightforward for me. I am trying to use the sources
> but sometimes it is not too easy ;-)
> So here they are:
> 1) How Workers are assigned to TaskTrackers?

Each worker is a mapper, and mapper tasks are assigned to tasktrackers by
the jobtracker. There's no control by Giraph there, and because Giraph
doesn't need data-locality like Mapreduce does, basically nothing is done.

> 2) How vertices are assigned to Workers? Does it depend on distribution of
> input file on DataNodes? Is there available any choice of distribution
> politics or no?

In the default scheme, vertices are assigned through modulo hash
partitioning. Given k workers, vertex v is assigned to worker i according
to hash(v) % k = i.

> 3) How Workers and Map tasks are related to each other? (1:1)? (n:1)?
> (1:n)?

It's 1:1. Each worker is implemented by a mapper task. The master is
usually (but does not need to) implemented by an additional mapper.

> 4) Can Workers migrate from one TaskTracker to the other?

Workers does not migrate. A Giraph computation is not dynamic wrt to
assignment and size of the tasks.

> 5) What is the best way to monitor Giraph app execution (progress, worker
> assignment, load balancing etc.)?

Just like you would for a standard Mapreduce job. Go to the job page on the
jobtracker http page.

> I think this is all for the moment. Thank you.
> Testbed description:
> Hardware: 8 node dual-CPU cluster with IB FDR.
> Giraph: release-1.0.0-RC2-152-g585511f
> Hadoop: hadoop-, hadoop-rdma-0.9.8
> Best,
>    Alex

   Claudio Martella

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