Hi, Experts,
  I'm trying to process a graph by pagerank in giraph, but the program
always stucks there.
There are 8 input files, each one is with size ~2GB and all copied onto
HDFS. I use 39 nodes and each node has 16GB Mem and 8 cores. It keeps
printing the same info(as the following) on the screen after 2 hours, looks
no progress at all. What are the possible reasons? Testing small example
files run without problems. Thanks!

14/03/06 16:17:42 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 39 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 5854829 out of 49200000 vertices computed; 181 out of
1521 partitions computed
14/03/06 16:17:47 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 39 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 5854829 out of 49200000 vertices computed; 181 out of
1521 partitions computed

  Best Regards,

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