Please try profiles hadoop_1 and hadoop_2. These
are the two profiles that we're targeting for the upcoming
1.1.0 release. The rest of profiles are optional and
may or may NOT work.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 3:34 AM, Toshio ITO <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently tried Giraph.
> It compiled fine, but when I did the unit test (i.e. `mvn test`) it
> failed.  I did the test several times with different settings. See
> below for details.
> My question is:
> - Is it normal for Giraph? Is the unit test supposed to fail for now?
> - If it's not normal, what do you think is wrong?
> My environment:
> - Ubuntu Server 14.04 64-bit
> - Dynamic address by DHCP
> - Followed the "Quick Start" guide
>   except I used "localhost" for the node hostname.
> -- Installed openjdk-7-jdk, git, maven by apt-get
> -- Installed hadoop- as instructed
> Test settings:
> (1) 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (Commit ID: b218d72cedc52467e691c6002e596e482d8583e4)
>     with LocalJobRunner
> (2) 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT with the running Hadoop instance
> (3) Tag "release-1.0.0-RC3" with LocalJobRunner
> (4) Tag "release-1.0.0-RC3" with the running Hadoop instance
> Cases (1) and (3) are run by the following commands.
>     $ mvn clean
>     $ mvn package -Phadoop_0.20.203 -DskipTests
>     $ mvn test -Phadoop_0.20.203
> Cases (2) and (4) are run by the following commands.
>     $ mvn clean
>     $ mvn package -Phadoop_0.20.203 -DskipTests
>     $ mvn test -Phadoop_0.20.203 -Dprop.mapred.job.tracker=localhost:54311
> Test results:
> (1) Failed at "Rexster I/O Format". At some point, the test
> endlessly tried to connect to ZooKeeper, repeating the following log
> messages. I had to terminate the test by Ctrl-C.
>     14/06/26 18:10:27 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to 
> server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL 
> (unknown error)
>     14/06/26 18:10:27 WARN zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x146d76e16750002 
> for server null, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting 
> reconnect
> Connection refused
>             at Method)
>             at 
>             at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNIO.doTransport(
>             at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$
> (2) Failed at "Examples". Hadoop was stuck at "testBspFail"
> job. Logs like the following line were printed every 5 seconds for
> 10 minutes.  After that, the test endlessly tried to connect to
> ZooKeeper, just like the case (1). I killed the test process and the
> Hadoop job.
>     14/06/26 18:40:30 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 2 workers - 
> Compute superstep 20: 10 out of 10 vertices computed; 6 out of 6 partitions 
> computed; min free memory on worker 1 - 137.42MB, average 149.12MB
> (3) Failed at "HBase I/O" in testHBaseInputOutput
> ( Before
> it reported failure, it blocked for 10 minutes.
> (4) Failed at "Core" in testContinue
> ( . Hadoop was stuck at
> the second "testContinue" job. After 10 minutes, the test went on
> and reported the failure. The "testContinue" map task was aborted
> with the following error.
> /tmp/_giraphTests/testContinue/_logs (Is a 
> directory)
> Thanks in advance.
> ------------------------------------
> Toshio Ito

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