
I rectified the error. I was using the -yj option  *(*-*yj 
 specify the jar needed to be distributed to Giraph tasks and application 
master. After I removed that option, It just worked fine.

Thank you

- Sai Ganesh

On Feb 10, 2017, at 10:41 AM, Sai Ganesh Muthuraman <saiganesh...@gmail.com> 


I am running a giraph application using Docker image of Giraph-1.1.0 (built on 
hadoop 2.4.1). I added all jars from the giraph-examples and giraph-core to the 
hadoop classpath to avoid any ClassNotFoundException error that I was getting 
previously. But after that I am getting the following exception

***Exception in thread "pool-4-thread-1" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could 
not configure the containerlaunch context for GiraphYarnTasks.***

*        at 

*        at org.apache.giraph.y

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