I apologize for my trivial question. I understood that:
- with giraph-dist-1.2.0-hadoop2-bin.tar.gz it is possible to use
giraph-1.2 in hadoop2 (2.5.1) as map reduce application
- with giraph-dist-1.2.0-bin.tar.gz it is possible to use giraph-1.2 in
hadoop-1.2.1 as map reduce application

Cristina Bovi

Il giorno dom 19 ago 2018 alle ore 09:41 Cristina Bovi <crist...@gmail.com>
ha scritto:

> I didn't understand the difference between
> giraph-dist-1.2.0-hadoop2-bin.tar.gz and giraph-dist-1.2.0-bin.tar.gz.
> Is there any documentation about that? Is the first one usable with
> hadoop-2.5.1 without yarn? How can be configured hadoop-2.5.1 without yarn?
> The only documentation that I found is the following one:
> - Apache Hadoop 2 (latest version: 2.5.1)
>   This is the latest version of Hadoop 2 (supporting YARN in addition
>   to MapReduce) Giraph could use. You may tell maven to use this version
>   with "mvn -Phadoop_2 <goals>".
> --
> Cristina Bovi

Cristina Bovi

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