Thanks for the clarifications, Lewis.

Just to confirm, just like our prev releases we will just publish [1]
and [2] to the ASF dist folders? I am planning to verify sig and hash
for those files and build/ run the binary from [1].

- Henry

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Lewis John Mcgibbney
<> wrote:
> Hi Henry,
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 4:48 AM, Henry Saputra <>
> wrote:
>> Lewis,
>> What is the diff between and
>> gora-0.4-src.tar.gz files?
> So just to clarify what Henry is asking here, we have a number of artifacts
> within the staging repos which we will be released as Maven artifacts.
> Namely [0], gora-0.4-src.tar.gz [1],
> [2] and individual module -javadoc.jar, -sources.jar,
> src.tar.gz,, tests.jar, .jar and finally .pom (along with
> corresponding signatures for each file.)
> The difference between [0] [1] and [2] is trivial but important to note
> none-the-less.
> [0] is an aggregation of the sources for all modules bundled into an
> aggregate .zip project. Effectively this is what is a bundle of all sources
> included in the .sources.jar Maven artifacts for each module. Such artifacts
> allows us to link and assimilate project sources against code in order to
> see 3rd party/dependency source within Eclipse or another IDE. This can be
> done by linking the sources.jar to the given artifact in the 'project build'
> -- > 'sources' tab of Eclipse. To be openly honest with you Henry we most
> likely don't need to publish this artifact so maybe we can remove it in
> future builds.
> Both [1] and [2] are the actual release artifacts which we refer to (along
> with their relevant signatures) on our Downloads page. We publish these on
> Maven central for convenience. These are the only two artifacts that we
> actually host on the Apache Distribution server and mirror to 3rd party
> Mirror Servers.
> For other who wish to review the candidate, here is a really helpful link to
> incubator guidelines
> Thanks, I hope that this has cleared up a bit of the release artifact puzzle
> ;)
> Lewis
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]

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