Hi Tom,

Download and configure both HBase and Solr and make them up. You do not
need to build Gora at your case (also neither Hbase nor Solr). It is a
dependency included at Nutch.

Nutch will crawl webpages and use Gora as a backend system to communicate
with Hbase and Solr.

Kind Regards,
20 Şub 2016 10:45 tarihinde "Tom Running" <runningt...@gmail.com> yazdı:

> I meant SOLR 4.10.3  instead SOLR 2.X
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 3:44 AM, Tom Running <runningt...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Great. Thank you.
>> I am just wondering.  How is building GORA will help with anything in my
>> situation?  probably not, right? it doesn't seem I need to use any of the
>> built.
>> It seems GORA already included in the SOLR 2.X and HBASE .98.9 release.
>> Is this a correct assumption?
>> Thank you.
>> Tom
>> On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Lewis John Mcgibbney <
>> lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> All you need to do is ensure that gora-hbase dependency is uncommented
>>> within $NUTCH_HOME/ivy/ivy.xml
>>> https://github.com/apache/nutch/blob/2.x/ivy/ivy.xml#L116
>>> You then need to ensure that that the storage.data.store.class is
>>> correct in $NUTCH_HOME/conf/nutch-default.xml. This needs to be set to
>>> 'org.apache.gora.hbase.store.HBaseStore'
>>> https://github.com/apache/nutch/blob/2.x/conf/nutch-default.xml#L1333-L1371
>>> Finally, you need to configure $NUTCH_HOME/conf/gora.properties
>>> https://github.com/apache/nutch/blob/2.x/conf/gora.properties
>>> Make sure that the correct gora-hbase configuration is included.
>>> That is all you need to do.
>>> Lewis
>>> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:29 PM, Tom Running <runningt...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Furkan,
>>>> What you had mention is exactly what I am trying to accomplish.
>>>> > Using Nutch to crawl websites and storing them at Hbase and indexing
>>>> at Solr via Gora?
>>>> I need a bit more help to ensure what I am about to do is correct..
>>>> #1.
>>>> after successfully build GORA.  I have the following two .jar files in
>>>> /gora/gora-solr/lib/  directory.  Lot of .jar files in the /lib directory
>>>> but only two .jar files relative to solr.
>>>> solr-solrj-4.10.3.jar
>>>> solr-core-4.10.3.jar
>>>> #2.
>>>> In the solr source distribution directory I have also see the same
>>>> exact .jar files.  This is a source code download.  I have not build this
>>>> solr yet.
>>>> /home/solr/dist
>>>> solr-solrj-4.10.3.jar
>>>> solr-core-4.10.3.jar
>>>> solr-4.10.3.war
>>>> My question is.   Should I copy the two solr files in #1 to
>>>> /home/solr/dist/  then build solr?
>>>> #3.
>>>> Should I also do the same thing for hbase.  Copy the
>>>> /gora/gora-hbase/lib/hbase-*     into    /hbase/lib/  then build hbase?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Tom
>>>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Furkan KAMACI <furkankam...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>>> What do you aim? Using Nutch to crawl websites and storing them at
>>>>> Hbase and indexing at Solr via Gora? Do you have any other use cases?
>>>>> "Simply", you may think that Gora will act as Hibernate of NoSQL
>>>>> ecosystem at your use case. So, it will not run as a service, it will be a
>>>>> dependency.
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> Furkan KAMACI
>>>>> 17 Şub 2016 22:13 tarihinde "Lewis John Mcgibbney" <
>>>>> lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com> yazdı:
>>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>>>> You can just follow the following tutorial
>>>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/Nutch2Tutorial
>>>>>> Replacing the gora-hbase configuration from within your Nutch
>>>>>> conf/nutch-default.xml and conf/gora.properties and with the relevant
>>>>>> dependency from within ivy/ivy.xml with the gora-solr equivalent.
>>>>>> Any more issues then please let us know. Gora does not run as a
>>>>>> service no, it is a dependency and is managed through your client
>>>>>> dependency manager (which in Nutch 2.X is Ivy).
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Tom Running <runningt...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Furkan and Lewis,
>>>>>>> Thank you for your response to my SOS.  I tried varies suggestion on
>>>>>>> editing pom.xlm file and including down grade the java JDK version to 
>>>>>>> 1.7
>>>>>>> and removed the .m2 folder and run      mvn clean install   again and it
>>>>>>> build successfully.
>>>>>>> Now Gora is successfully build.  I am trying to understand how to
>>>>>>> get Gora run or start in order get the following three packages to work
>>>>>>> together Nutch, Solr and Hbase with GORA
>>>>>>> Does Gora start as a service?
>>>>>>> Or
>>>>>>> To get other three packages to work with GORA I will need to copy
>>>>>>> the *.jar to the three packages (Nutch, Solr and Hbase) lib folder?
>>>>>>> *I am a bit confuse on how to get these packages to work with GORA.
>>>>>>> I had read GORA's quickstart guide but am still not too clear on what to
>>>>>>> do.*
>>>>>>> *Can you provide some direction.*
>>>>>>> *Thank you.*
>>>>>>> *Tom*
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 1:56 PM, Furkan KAMACI <
>>>>>>> furkankam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>>>>>> It seems that your maven is at offline mode. There may be a problem
>>>>>>>> with your settings.xml or environment variable for maven home. How do 
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> build your project? Could you build it with -X option and send the 
>>>>>>>> output?
>>>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>>>> Furkan KAMACI
>>>>>>>> 17 Şub 2016 20:51 tarihinde "Tom Running" <runningt...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> yazdı:
>>>>>>>> What to do with the error below.
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Building Apache Gora :: Accumulo 0.6.1
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [WARNING] The POM for org.apache.accumulo:accumulo-core:jar:1.5.1
>>>>>>>> is missing, no dependency information available
>>>>>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>>>>>> org.apache.accumulo:accumulo-minicluster:jar:1.5.1 is missing, no
>>>>>>>> dependency information available
>>>>>>>> [WARNING] The POM for org.jboss.netty:netty:jar:3.2.2.Final is
>>>>>>>> missing, no dependency information available
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora ........................................ SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  1.468 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Compiler ............................ SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  0.121 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Compiler-CLI ........................ SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  0.032 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Shims Hadoop ........................ SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  0.543 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Shims Hadoop 1.x .................... SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  0.190 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Shims Hadoop 2.x .................... SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  0.295 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Shims Distribution .................. SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  0.026 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Core ................................ SUCCESS
>>>>>>>> [  0.806 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Accumulo ............................ FAILURE
>>>>>>>> [  0.120 s]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Cassandra ........................... SKIPPED
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: GoraCI .............................. SKIPPED
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: HBase ............................... SKIPPED
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: MongoDB ............................. SKIPPED
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Solr ................................ SKIPPED
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Tutorial ............................ SKIPPED
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Apache Gora :: Sources-Dist ........................ SKIPPED
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Total time: 6.359 s
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Finished at: 2016-02-17T02:00:39-05:00
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 25M/61M
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project gora-accumulo: Could not
>>>>>>>> resolve dependencies for project
>>>>>>>> org.apache.gora:gora-accumulo:bundle:0.6.1: The following artifacts 
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> not be resolved: org.apache.gora:gora-core:jar:0.6.1,
>>>>>>>> org.apache.gora:gora-core:jar:tests:0.6.1,
>>>>>>>> org.apache.accumulo:accumulo-core:jar:1.5.1,
>>>>>>>> org.apache.accumulo:accumulo-minicluster:jar:1.5.1, 
>>>>>>>> jline:jline:jar:0.9.1,
>>>>>>>> org.jboss.netty:netty:jar:3.2.2.Final,
>>>>>>>> org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-jaxrs:jar:1.8.3,
>>>>>>>> org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-xc:jar:1.8.3: Cannot access central (
>>>>>>>> https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) in offline mode and the
>>>>>>>> artifact org.apache.gora:gora-core:jar:0.6.1 has not been downloaded 
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> it before. -> [Help 1]
>>>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Lewis*
>>> --
>>> *Lewis*

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