Agreed. Will have a crack at a patch for the GoraCompiler and see what is
I believe I also logged a Jora issue or this a while back Henry as this was
a blocker for the Gora backend to the OODT file manager component.

On Thursday, March 24, 2016, Henry Saputra <> wrote:

> I am not sure how easy it is to add that compiler extension to link to
> external Java class from Avro def file.
> If not hard, maybe that is the cleanest way to do it.
> - Henry
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 10:17 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> My previous discussion on user@avro for reference
>> Would still be interesting to see what the comments are like over here if
>> anyone has some,
>> Thanks
>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 8:45 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> I'm close to finishing off my long overdue patch for adding Gora support
>>> to Log4J 2.X [0] however I have a question which I hope I've explained well
>>> enough.
>>> In my implementation, the 'object' I am modeling is a Gora instance of
>>> the Log4j 2.X NoSqlObject [1].
>>> As you can see this object is relatively simple with numerous set(key,
>>> value) methods where keys are always strings.
>>> The data modeling issue I am having is how to model the complex value if
>>> it is, for example, an Object, Object[ ], NoSqlObject or NoSqlObject[ ]?
>>> I _think_ I encountered a similar issue a long time aho and turned to
>>> Avro IDL to sort the issue out however before I do that I was thinking
>>> something along the lines of the following
>>> {
>>>   "name": "GoraNoSqlObject",
>>>   "type": "record",
>>>   "namespace": "org.apache.logging.log4j.nosql.appender.gora",
>>>   "doc": "GoraNoSqlObject represents the Gora implementation of 
>>> NoSqlObject.",
>>>   "fields": [
>>>     {
>>>       "name": "keySimpleValue",
>>>       "type": {
>>>         "type": "map",
>>>         "values": ["null","NoSqlObject"]
>>>       },
>>>       "doc": "Sets the value of a property on this object to a nested 
>>> complex object.",
>>>       "default": {
>>>         ...
>>>       }
>>>     },
>>> ...
>>>  This however would assume that I could model 'NoSqlObject' elsewhere,
>>> and that it had been compiled and available on the GoraCompiler classpath
>>> prior to this GoraNoSqlObject class being compiled. To me this just doesn't
>>> look right.
>>> I just want to get feedback from anyone interested in this to see how
>>> they would build the data model.
>>> Thanks
>>> Lewis
>>> [0]
>>> [1]
>>> --
>>> *Lewis*
>> --
>> *Lewis*


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