The story so far:

Tapestry is a multi-module build. With help from Luke Daley, I've
managed to get all the creating of sources JARs, signing of artifacts,
and uploads to the Apache Nexus all set up.

I'm working currently on the Maven archetype; I have a quickstart
module that isn't a Java project; instead we build a



generatedDir = new File(buildDir, 'quickstart-generated')

task generateArchetype(type: Copy) {
    srcDir = file('prototypes')

    // This let gradle know where is UP-TO-DATE
    inputs.file srcDir
    outputs.dir generatedDir


    from srcDir
    into generatedDir

    // Use some of the filters provided by Ant
    filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
            quickstartVersion: version, tapestryReleaseVersion: version,
            servletApiReleaseVersion: servletAPIVersion,
            testngReleaseVersion: testngVersion,
easymockReleaseVersion: easymockVersion


task build(type: Jar, dependsOn: 'generateArchetype') {

    description = "Creates a the JAR archive for the quickstart archetype"
    group = "Release artifact"

    destinationDir = buildDir
    baseName = "quickstart"
    version = project.version

    from generatedDir

artifacts {
    archives build

View it here:

That seems to be working; a gradle build will create the JAR file,
with the correct contents, as build/quickstart--xxx.jar

However, I had a lot of issues, from my top-level build.gradle;
basically things appeared to be off becuse quickstart wasn't a normal
module (it didn't even apply the 'java' plugin), so I hacked it:

description = "Apache Tapestry 5 Project"

// Remember that when generating a release, this should be
incremented. Also don't forget to
// tag the release in Subversion.
tapestryVersion = "5.3-beta-20"

jettyVersion = '7.0.0.v20091005'
tomcatVersion = '6.0.30'
testngVersion = '5.14.9'
easymockVersion = '3.0'
servletAPIVersion = '2.4'

// Provided so that Jenkins can override the normal version number for
nightly builds.
version = System.getProperty('project-version', tapestryVersion)

stagingUrl = 
snapshotUrl = "";

doSign = !project.hasProperty('noSign') && project.hasProperty("signing.keyId")

buildscript {
    repositories {
        mavenRepo name: "Gradle", urls:
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.gradle.plugins:gradle-signing-plugin:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

allprojects {

    apply plugin: 'eclipse'
    apply plugin: 'idea'

    ideaProject {
        javaVersion = 1.5
        beforeConfigured { project ->

    repositories {

        // All things JBoss/Javassist/Hibernate
        mavenRepo urls:

subprojects {
    version = parent.version

    group = 'org.apache.tapestry'

    configurations {

        // meta -- non-code artifacts, such as sources and javadoc JARs

    if (name != "quickstart")
        apply plugin: 'java'
        apply plugin: 'groovy' // mostly for testing
        apply plugin: 'maven'
        apply plugin: 'project-report'

        sourceCompatibility = '1.5'
        targetCompatibility = '1.5'

        // See

        sourceSets {
            main {
                compileClasspath += configurations.provided
            test {
                compileClasspath += configurations.provided
                runtimeClasspath += configurations.provided

        ideaModule {
   += configurations.provided

        dependencies {
            groovy "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:1.7.4"


        test {


            maxHeapSize = "400M"

            // Turn off live service reloading

            systemProperties["tapestry.service-reloading-enabled"] = "false"


        task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
            classifier = 'sources'
            from sourceSets.main.allSource

        artifacts {
            meta sourcesJar


    configurations {
        // published -- what gets uploaded to the Nexus repository
        published.extendsFrom archives, meta

        if (doSign)
        { published.extendsFrom signatures }

    if (doSign)
        apply plugin: 'signing'
        // sign (create PGP signature for) archives (standard JARs)
        // and meta (sources JARs)
        signing { sign configurations.archives, configurations.meta }

    // apacheDeployUserName and apacheDeployPassword should be
specified in ~/.gradle/

    deployUsernameProperty = isSnapshot() ? "snapshotDeployUserName" :
    deployPasswordProperty = isSnapshot() ? "snapshotDeployPassword" :
    canDeploy = [deployUsernameProperty, deployPasswordProperty].every
{ project.hasProperty(it) }

    uploadPublished {

        doFirst {
            if (!canDeploy)
                throw new InvalidUserDataException("Missing upload
credentials. Set '$deployUsernameProperty' and
'$deployPasswordProperty' project properties.")

        if (canDeploy)
            repositories {

                project.deployer = repositories.mavenDeployer {

                    if (doSign)
                        beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment ->
                            def signedPomArtifact =
                            // See
                            signedPomArtifact.type = "pom." +

                    repository(url: stagingUrl) {
project.getProperty(deployUsernameProperty), password:

                    snapshotRepository(url: snapshotUrl) {
project.getProperty(deployUsernameProperty), password:

// Specific to top-level build, not set for subprojects:

configurations {
    published.extendsFrom archives, meta
    if (doSign)
    { published.extendsFrom signatures }

dependencies {
    javadoc project(':tapestry-javadoc')

subprojects.each { project.evaluationDependsOn( }

// Cribbed from

javadocBuildDir = dir(buildDirName + "/documentation/javadocs")

task aggregateJavadoc(type: Javadoc, group: "Documentation") {

    dependsOn configurations.javadoc

    description = "Build the aggregated JavaDocs for all modules"
    maxMemory = '512m'
    destinationDir = javadocBuildDir.dir
    configure(options) {
        // overview = new File( projectDir, 'src/javadoc/package.html' )
        stylesheetFile = new File(projectDir, 'src/javadoc/stylesheet.css')
        windowTitle = 'Tapestry API Documentation'
        docTitle = "Tapestry JavaDoc ($project.version)"
        bottom = "Copyright &copy; 2003-2011 <a
href=\"\";>The Apache Software
        use = true
        links = ['',
        addStringOption "tagletpath", configurations.javadoc.asPath
        addStringOption "taglet",

        exclude "org/apache/tapestry5/internal/plastic/asm/**"

    subprojects.findAll({ sp -> != "quickstart" }).each { sp ->
        sp.sourceSets.all.findAll { set -> != "test" }.each { set ->


            classpath += set.classes + set.compileClasspath

            // Some of the component .xdoc files refer to PNG images
            // (we could also exclude .java and .xdoc)
            copy {
                into javadocBuildDir.dir
                include '**/*.png'

aggregateJavadoc.doLast {
    copy {
        from new File(projectDir, 'src/javadoc/images')
        into new File(javadocBuildDir.dir, "/images")

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete buildDirName

task continuousIntegration(dependsOn: [,
'aggregateJavadoc', subprojects.uploadPublished],
        description: "Task executed on Jenkins CI server after SVN commits")

task generateRelease(dependsOn: ['continuousIntegration',
subprojects.uploadPublished, 'zippedSources', 'zippedJavadoc'],
        group: "Release artifact",
        description: "Generates and uploads a final release to Apache Nexus")

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '1.0-milestone-3'
    description = "Regenerates the Gradle Wrapper files"

task zippedSources(type: Zip) {
    description = "Creates a combined Zip file of all sub-project's sources"
    group = "Release artifact"

    destinationDir = buildDir
    baseName = "apache-tapestry"
    version = project.version
    classifier = "sources"

    from project.projectDir
    exclude "**/.*/**"
    exclude "**/bin/**"
    exclude "**/target/**"
    exclude "**/build/**"
    exclude "**/test-output/**"  // Left around by TestNG sometimes

task zippedJavadoc(type: Zip, dependsOn: aggregateJavadoc) {
    description = "Zip archive of the project's aggregate JavaDoc"
    group = "Release artifact"

    destinationDir = buildDir
    baseName = "apache-tapestry"
    version = project.version
    classifier = "javadocs"

    from javadocBuildDir.dir
    into "apidocs"

boolean isSnapshot()

It's a bit ugly (suggestions welcome), but basically skips a bunch of
setup that occurs in most modules for the "quickstart" module.

Mostly it works fine, except for the uploadPublished task, as defined
starting on line 143.

When I try to build, I get an exception:

$ gr genR -x test
Note: the Gradle build daemon is an experimental feature.
As such, you may experience unexpected build failures. You may need to
occasionally stop the daemon.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '/Users/hlship/workspaces/tapestry/tapestry5/build.gradle' line: 143

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'tapestry5'.
Cause: Could not find method uploadPublished() for arguments
[build_13a7g2thd0j4oqok73diap6lkl$_run_closure2_closure25@5c304dd3] on
root project 'tapestry5'.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info
or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 0.89 secs

More details here:

If I add "task " to the start of the line (to clearly indicate the
uploadPublished is supposed to be a new task added to the subproject),
it works, but uploadPublished doesn't seem to do anything.  Perhaps
this way it overwrites the uploadPublished task normally added by the

:tapestry-yuicompressor:jar UP-TO-DATE
:tapestry-yuicompressor:sourcesJar UP-TO-DATE
:tapestry-yuicompressor:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:tapestry5-annotations:sourcesJar UP-TO-DATE
:tapestry5-annotations:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:zippedJavadoc UP-TO-DATE

... see, it appears to have executed, but it certainly didn't upload
anything to Nexus.

I've tried a few things, such as reoganizing things to push the
uploadPublished task definition further up but no dice.

I'm going to dig a little deeper and see if there's an alternate way
of dealing with quickstart specially.  Any help would be appreciated!

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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