Hi Howard,
The uploadPublished task is added to your build via the java plugin by a
rule. The snippet:
 if (name != "quickstart") {
    apply plugin: 'java'
    apply plugin: 'groovy'  // mostly for testing
    apply plugin: 'maven'
    apply plugin: 'project-report'
ensures, that the java plugin is not applied to your quickstart project.
This means that no uploadPublished task is added to your quickstart
project. so when trying to configure a non existing uploadPublished task
fails. Adding "task" in front of your 'uploadPublished' means, that a
whole new Task is created with no clue what it should do. One workaround
here is to add an else block for the quickstart project and add a custom
uploadPublished task of type (Upload).


> The story so far:
> Tapestry is a multi-module build. With help from Luke Daley, I've
> managed to get all the creating of sources JARs, signing of artifacts,
> and uploads to the Apache Nexus all set up.
> I'm working currently on the Maven archetype; I have a quickstart
> module that isn't a Java project; instead we build a
> quickstart/build.gradle:
> import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.FixCrLfFilter
> import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
> generatedDir = new File(buildDir, 'quickstart-generated')
> task generateArchetype(type: Copy) {
>     srcDir = file('prototypes')
>     // This let gradle know where is UP-TO-DATE
>     inputs.file srcDir
>     outputs.dir generatedDir
>     generatedDir.mkdirs()
>     from srcDir
>     into generatedDir
>     // Use some of the filters provided by Ant
>     filter(FixCrLfFilter)
>     filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
>             quickstartVersion: version, tapestryReleaseVersion: version,
>             servletApiReleaseVersion: servletAPIVersion,
>             testngReleaseVersion: testngVersion,
> easymockReleaseVersion: easymockVersion
>     ])
> }
> task build(type: Jar, dependsOn: 'generateArchetype') {
>     description = "Creates a the JAR archive for the quickstart archetype"
>     group = "Release artifact"
>     destinationDir = buildDir
>     baseName = "quickstart"
>     version = project.version
>     from generatedDir
> }
> artifacts {
>     archives build
> }
> View it here: https://gist.github.com/1282641
> That seems to be working; a gradle build will create the JAR file,
> with the correct contents, as build/quickstart--xxx.jar
> However, I had a lot of issues, from my top-level build.gradle;
> basically things appeared to be off becuse quickstart wasn't a normal
> module (it didn't even apply the 'java' plugin), so I hacked it:
> description = "Apache Tapestry 5 Project"
> // Remember that when generating a release, this should be
> incremented. Also don't forget to
> // tag the release in Subversion.
> tapestryVersion = "5.3-beta-20"
> jettyVersion = '7.0.0.v20091005'
> tomcatVersion = '6.0.30'
> testngVersion = '5.14.9'
> easymockVersion = '3.0'
> servletAPIVersion = '2.4'
> // Provided so that Jenkins can override the normal version number for
> nightly builds.
> version = System.getProperty('project-version', tapestryVersion)
> stagingUrl =
> "https://repository.apache.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/";
> snapshotUrl =
> "https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots";
> doSign = !project.hasProperty('noSign') &&
> project.hasProperty("signing.keyId")
> buildscript {
>     repositories {
>         mavenLocal()
>         mavenRepo name: "Gradle", urls:
> "http://repo.gradle.org/gradle/plugins-snapshots/";
>     }
>     dependencies {
>         classpath
> "org.gradle.plugins:gradle-signing-plugin:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
>     }
> }
> allprojects {
>     apply plugin: 'eclipse'
>     apply plugin: 'idea'
>     ideaProject {
>         javaVersion = 1.5
>         beforeConfigured { project ->
>             project.modulePaths.clear()
>         }
>     }
>     repositories {
>         mavenCentral()
>         // All things JBoss/Javassist/Hibernate
>         mavenRepo urls:
> "https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases/";
>     }
> }
> subprojects {
>     version = parent.version
>     group = 'org.apache.tapestry'
>     configurations {
>         provided
>         deployerJars
>         // meta -- non-code artifacts, such as sources and javadoc JARs
>         meta
>     }
>     if (name != "quickstart")
>     {
>         apply plugin: 'java'
>         apply plugin: 'groovy' // mostly for testing
>         apply plugin: 'maven'
>         apply plugin: 'project-report'
>         sourceCompatibility = '1.5'
>         targetCompatibility = '1.5'
>         // See http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRADLE-784
>         sourceSets {
>             main {
>                 compileClasspath += configurations.provided
>             }
>             test {
>                 compileClasspath += configurations.provided
>                 runtimeClasspath += configurations.provided
>             }
>         }
>         ideaModule {
>             scopes.PROVIDED.plus += configurations.provided
>         }
>         dependencies {
>             groovy "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:1.7.4"
>             deployerJars
> "org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-http-lightweight:1.0-beta-6"
>         }
>         test {
>             useTestNG()
>             options.suites("src/test/conf/testng.xml")
>             maxHeapSize = "400M"
>             // Turn off live service reloading
>             systemProperties["tapestry.service-reloading-enabled"] =
> "false"
>             jvmArgs("-XX:MaxPermSize=512m")
>         }
>         task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
>             classifier = 'sources'
>             from sourceSets.main.allSource
>         }
>         artifacts {
>             meta sourcesJar
>         }
>     }
>     configurations {
>         // published -- what gets uploaded to the Nexus repository
>         published.extendsFrom archives, meta
>         if (doSign)
>         { published.extendsFrom signatures }
>     }
>     if (doSign)
>     {
>         apply plugin: 'signing'
>         // sign (create PGP signature for) archives (standard JARs)
>         // and meta (sources JARs)
>         signing { sign configurations.archives, configurations.meta }
>     }
>     // apacheDeployUserName and apacheDeployPassword should be
> specified in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
>     deployUsernameProperty = isSnapshot() ? "snapshotDeployUserName" :
> "apacheDeployUserName"
>     deployPasswordProperty = isSnapshot() ? "snapshotDeployPassword" :
> "apacheDeployPassword"
>     canDeploy = [deployUsernameProperty, deployPasswordProperty].every
> { project.hasProperty(it) }
>     uploadPublished {
>         doFirst {
>             if (!canDeploy)
>             {
>                 throw new InvalidUserDataException("Missing upload
> credentials. Set '$deployUsernameProperty' and
> '$deployPasswordProperty' project properties.")
>             }
>         }
>         if (canDeploy)
>         {
>             repositories {
>                 project.deployer = repositories.mavenDeployer {
>                     if (doSign)
>                     {
>                         beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment ->
>                             def signedPomArtifact =
> sign(deployment.pomArtifact).singleArtifact
>                             // See
> http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1589
>                             signedPomArtifact.type = "pom." +
> signing.type.extension
>                             deployment.addArtifact(signedPomArtifact)
>                         }
>                     }
>                     repository(url: stagingUrl) {
>                         authentication(userName:
> project.getProperty(deployUsernameProperty), password:
> project.getProperty(deployPasswordProperty))
>                     }
>                     snapshotRepository(url: snapshotUrl) {
>                         authentication(userName:
> project.getProperty(deployUsernameProperty), password:
> project.getProperty(deployPasswordProperty))
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> // Specific to top-level build, not set for subprojects:
> configurations {
>     javadoc
>     published.extendsFrom archives, meta
>     if (doSign)
>     { published.extendsFrom signatures }
> }
> dependencies {
>     javadoc project(':tapestry-javadoc')
> }
> subprojects.each { project.evaluationDependsOn(it.name) }
> // Cribbed from
> https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-core/blob/master/release/release.gradle#L19
> javadocBuildDir = dir(buildDirName + "/documentation/javadocs")
> task aggregateJavadoc(type: Javadoc, group: "Documentation") {
>     dependsOn configurations.javadoc
>     description = "Build the aggregated JavaDocs for all modules"
>     maxMemory = '512m'
>     destinationDir = javadocBuildDir.dir
>     configure(options) {
>         // overview = new File( projectDir, 'src/javadoc/package.html' )
>         stylesheetFile = new File(projectDir,
> 'src/javadoc/stylesheet.css')
>         windowTitle = 'Tapestry API Documentation'
>         docTitle = "Tapestry JavaDoc ($project.version)"
>         bottom = "Copyright &copy; 2003-2011 <a
> href=\"http://tapestry.apache.org\";>The Apache Software
> Foundation</a>."
>         use = true
>         links = ['http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/',
> 'http://download.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/']
>         addStringOption "tagletpath", configurations.javadoc.asPath
>         addStringOption "taglet",
> "org.apache.tapestry5.javadoc.TapestryDocTaglet"
>         exclude "org/apache/tapestry5/internal/plastic/asm/**"
>     }
>     subprojects.findAll({ sp -> sp.name != "quickstart" }).each { sp ->
>         sp.sourceSets.all.findAll { set -> set.name != "test" }.each { set
> ->
>             source set.java
>             classpath += set.classes + set.compileClasspath
>             // Some of the component .xdoc files refer to PNG images
>             // (we could also exclude .java and .xdoc)
>             copy {
>                 from set.java.srcDirs.toList()
>                 into javadocBuildDir.dir
>                 include '**/*.png'
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> aggregateJavadoc.doLast {
>     copy {
>         from new File(projectDir, 'src/javadoc/images')
>         into new File(javadocBuildDir.dir, "/images")
>     }
> }
> task clean(type: Delete) {
>     delete buildDirName
> }
> task continuousIntegration(dependsOn: [subprojects.build,
> 'aggregateJavadoc', subprojects.uploadPublished],
>         description: "Task executed on Jenkins CI server after SVN
> commits")
> task generateRelease(dependsOn: ['continuousIntegration',
> subprojects.uploadPublished, 'zippedSources', 'zippedJavadoc'],
>         group: "Release artifact",
>         description: "Generates and uploads a final release to Apache
> Nexus")
> task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
>     gradleVersion = '1.0-milestone-3'
>     description = "Regenerates the Gradle Wrapper files"
> }
> task zippedSources(type: Zip) {
>     description = "Creates a combined Zip file of all sub-project's
> sources"
>     group = "Release artifact"
>     destinationDir = buildDir
>     baseName = "apache-tapestry"
>     version = project.version
>     classifier = "sources"
>     from project.projectDir
>     exclude "**/.*/**"
>     exclude "**/bin/**"
>     exclude "**/target/**"
>     exclude "**/build/**"
>     exclude "**/test-output/**"  // Left around by TestNG sometimes
> }
> task zippedJavadoc(type: Zip, dependsOn: aggregateJavadoc) {
>     description = "Zip archive of the project's aggregate JavaDoc"
>     group = "Release artifact"
>     destinationDir = buildDir
>     baseName = "apache-tapestry"
>     version = project.version
>     classifier = "javadocs"
>     from javadocBuildDir.dir
>     into "apidocs"
> }
> boolean isSnapshot()
> {
>     project.version.contains('SNAPSHOT')
> }
> https://gist.github.com/1282666
> It's a bit ugly (suggestions welcome), but basically skips a bunch of
> setup that occurs in most modules for the "quickstart" module.
> Mostly it works fine, except for the uploadPublished task, as defined
> starting on line 143.
> When I try to build, I get an exception:
> $ gr genR -x test
> Note: the Gradle build daemon is an experimental feature.
> As such, you may experience unexpected build failures. You may need to
> occasionally stop the daemon.
> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
> * Where:
> Build file '/Users/hlship/workspaces/tapestry/tapestry5/build.gradle'
> line: 143
> * What went wrong:
> A problem occurred evaluating root project 'tapestry5'.
> Cause: Could not find method uploadPublished() for arguments
> [build_13a7g2thd0j4oqok73diap6lkl$_run_closure2_closure25@5c304dd3] on
> root project 'tapestry5'.
> * Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info
> or --debug option to get more log output.
> Total time: 0.89 secs
> ~/workspaces/t5
> $
> More details here: https://gist.github.com/1282681
> If I add "task " to the start of the line (to clearly indicate the
> uploadPublished is supposed to be a new task added to the subproject),
> it works, but uploadPublished doesn't seem to do anything.  Perhaps
> this way it overwrites the uploadPublished task normally added by the
> :tapestry-yuicompressor:jar UP-TO-DATE
> :tapestry-yuicompressor:sourcesJar UP-TO-DATE
> :tapestry-yuicompressor:assemble UP-TO-DATE
> :tapestry-yuicompressor:check
> :tapestry-yuicompressor:build
> :tapestry-yuicompressor:uploadPublished
> :tapestry5-annotations:sourcesJar UP-TO-DATE
> :tapestry5-annotations:assemble UP-TO-DATE
> :tapestry5-annotations:check
> :tapestry5-annotations:build
> :tapestry5-annotations:uploadPublished
> :continuousIntegration
> :zippedJavadoc UP-TO-DATE
> :zippedSources
> :generateRelease
> ... see, it appears to have executed, but it certainly didn't upload
> anything to Nexus.
> I've tried a few things, such as reoganizing things to push the
> uploadPublished task definition further up but no dice.
> I'm going to dig a little deeper and see if there's an alternate way
> of dealing with quickstart specially.  Any help would be appreciated!
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator of Apache Tapestry
> The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
> learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!
> (971) 678-5210
> http://howardlewisship.com
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