On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 3:32 PM doyouhas <zjpia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I checked my cloudwatch logs. Nothing relating to this problem was logged
> there. And as I stated in my previous post, on the instance where I've
> installed guacamole, I installed the mysql client and can connect to the
> database fine. I'm thinking it must have something to do with JDBC and AWS
> RDS, bc when I install mysql server on a physical instance, it doesn't have
> this issue. But I'm not pro enough with java to understand this JDBC
> failure.
I'm guessing you're using a recent-ish version of the MySQL driver in your
Guacamole instance?  According to Amazon's docs they recommend the MariaDB
Connector/J JDBC connector for connecting to Aurora, but I'm guessing MySQL
should work fine, too.  Also, looks like Aurora can be set up to use
SSL/TLS - is that enabled/required/default on your Aurora instance?

Sorry, trying to help but kind of shooting in the dark, here - I agree with
the other folks that have responded that it really feels like some sort of
network connectivity, firewall, or VDC configuration issue that is blocking
the JDBC connection from hitting the Aurora instance.


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