Since I see that the OP is authenticating against AD via LDAP, I just want
to throw this out there: AD stores the cn or sAMAccountName attribute
case-sensitively. Guacamole doesn't do a case-insensitive match (whereas
Windows login does), so I had to make sure that my sAMAccountName / cn
attributes were all lower case (which is what my users are expecting to
type in the Guacamole login box) for authentication to work. Mass-changing
sAMAccountName to lowercase is non-trivial, since many tools to do so work
case-insensitively. I can look up how I managed to script it if anyone gets
stuck like I did.

-Jonathan Hankins

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 10:31 AM Mike Jumper <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019, 07:06 Zer0Cool <> wrote:
>> Pardon my ignorance, but let me make sure I follow.
>> So you are saying that the ldap filter (and thus results) are likely
>> up-to-date but that the database side of the account does not get
>> deleted/removed from the database when there is no longer a matching LDAP
>> account to go with it?
> Nor would a database account be automatically created for LDAP. The two
> are independent. Guacamole unifies things for accounts having the same
> username, and that common username is the sole association between them.
>  So I would assume that while the account still exists in the database,
>> authentication of the account would fail as the underlying AD/LDAP account
>> is no longer active/pulled in by the filter?
> If you set a password for the database account, authentication using the
> database-specific password will succeed.
>> I presume that means it would be a manual task to go in and delete
>> disbaled
>> AD accounts from the database within Guacamole?
> Yes.
>> For what its worth, this makes sense to me as you wouldn't want the
>> database
>> to delete users/settings in the event it cannot connect to AD temporarily
>> for example.
> Indeed.
> Also, the two systems really are not interconnected in that way. Except
> for having the same username, there is no direct association between
> accounts in the database and within LDAP.
> Both the database and LDAP expose separate and independent sets of data,
> while the web interface unifies that data for presentation to user. With
> the exception of one (the database) trusting the authentication result of
> the other (LDAP), the two function completely independently.
> - Mike

Jonathan Hankins    Homewood City Schools

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