I would add, I did download the current MariaDB Connector/J library and use




No luck.


From: kendellwelch...@gmail.com <kendellwelch...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2020 9:10 PM
To: user@guacamole.apache.org
Subject: Raspian Buster Lite - MariaDB does not work, MySQL 8 works fine on
Debian 10


Hi All,


I have to assume I'm doing something wrong, but I have no idea what.  I'm
trying to get Guac DB auth to work on Raspbian Buster Lite.  I've gotten DB
auth to work on Debian 10 using MySQL, but even on basic Debian 10, I had to
use MySQL instead of MariaDB to get it to work.


I'm currently trying to get Guac to work on Raspbian Buster Lite (apt
upgraded all the way.)  Raspbian does not like MariaDB.  I could build MySQL
8 from source, but I'm specifically trying to avoid that.  I'd rather use
APT to install the preferred MariaDB server.


I can use something like "mysql -u guacamole_user -p" and do whatever in the
database, but Guac doesn't seem to want to play ball.


I have logging enabled at the "Debug" level, but all catalina.out tells me
is that 'Authentication attempt from _X.X.X.X_ for user "guacadmin" failed.'
It doesn't tell me any more than that.  Syslog says nothing.  I'm assuming
there is some sort of library/JDBC driver malfunction here, but I don't even
begin to have an idea of how to troubleshoot.


I would appreciate any guidance.



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