
I believe some people are using MariaDB, but from what I recollect/read it needs a little special treatment.

From this thread:

You may want to try using the 5.x version of MySQL Connector J (and add the "default_time_zone" line to the my.conf file in the [mysqld] section). To be clear - don't use the MariaDB Connector.

Also, you could be running into this?:

Which Nick appears to have merged into the latest code, but is not part of Guacamole 1.1.0 (although you've not said what version of Guacamole you're using I guess it could be this?).

On 26/04/2020 2:16 p.m., wrote:

I would add, I did download the current MariaDB Connector/J library and use that.

No luck.

*From:* <>
*Sent:* Saturday, April 25, 2020 9:10 PM
*Subject:* Raspian Buster Lite - MariaDB does not work, MySQL 8 works fine on Debian 10

Hi All,

I have to assume I�m doing something wrong, but I have no idea what. I�m trying to get Guac DB auth to work on Raspbian Buster Lite. I�ve gotten DB auth to work on Debian 10 using MySQL, but even on basic Debian 10, I had to use MySQL instead of MariaDB to get it to work.

I�m currently trying to get Guac to work on Raspbian Buster Lite (apt upgraded all the way.) Raspbian does not like MariaDB. I could build MySQL 8 from source, but I�m specifically trying to avoid that. I�d rather use APT to install the preferred MariaDB server.

I can use something like �mysql -u guacamole_user -p� and do whatever in the database, but Guac doesn�t seem to want to play ball.

I have logging enabled at the �Debug� level, but all catalina.out tells me is that �Authentication attempt from _X.X.X.X_ for user "guacadmin" failed.� It doesn�t tell me any more than that. Syslog says nothing. I�m assuming there is some sort of library/JDBC driver malfunction here, but I don�t even begin to have an idea of how to troubleshoot.

I would appreciate any guidance.


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