On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 9:34 AM Alex Zetaeffesse <fzet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> it's been a day now that I'm trying to compile guacamole with FreeRDP
> support but regardles of the many guides followed and webpage that explain
> how add FreeRDP support whatever package I install ./configure always tell
> me that FreeRDP won't be available.
> Would be someone so kind to point me in the right direction?
> At least which lib (and version) guacamole looks for so that, in case,
> based on your feedback I can discuss it with the Raspbian community
> [cut]
> checking for freerdp_new in -lfreerdp-core... no
> checking for freerdp_new in -lfreerdp... no
> configure: WARNING:
>   --------------------------------------------
>    Unable to find libfreerdp-core / libfreerdp
>    RDP will be disabled.
>   --------------------------------------------
> [cut]
> ------------------------------------------------
> guacamole-server version 0.9.14
> ------------------------------------------------
I suspect this is the key to the issue.  Not sure what version of FreeRDP
you have installed - there have been a lot of hints about that from the
other folks who have responded - but Guacamole Server 0.9.14 is not
compatible with FreeRDP 2.x and higher - it will only compile against 1.2.x
or lower.  So, you'll want to make sure that you either have FreeRDP 1.2.x
or lower installed, including the development packages, or you'll want to
build Guacamole Server 1.1.0.


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